Leadership styles and decision making in SMEs in zone 3 of Ecuador.

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Lenin Alfredo Valencia-Pérez
Jenny Margoth Gamboa-Salinas


The leadership style and decision-making within companies have changed in recent years due to the pandemic caused by the coronavirus, which caused several effects on Ecuadorian industries despite being large, medium-sized or small companies. The acceptance of new leadership measures is essential in order to make adequate decisions and at the same time carry out strategies to activate the economy of the goods and services companies that are within zone 3 of Ecuador. Objective: Analyze how leadership styles influence decision making in SMEs in zone 3 of Ecuador. Methodology: It is important to recognize that this type of research will be developed using the descriptive methodology of the information, on the other hand, the adoption of bibliographic research methods, in such a way that it can deepen the relation of the theoretical framework. In this way, the sample composed of 384 companies from a population of 243651 institutions was obtained, in this way contact via email with the active members in the organization was implemented, in this way the data that provides authenticity by the known coefficient will be obtained. as Chi Square. Result: Therefore, 50% of the managers of the SMEs in zone 3 of Ecuador, assure that the training sessions are very essential and convenient to obtain a better performance in the company, in such a way that there is a 70% of the companies that do not know the operation of the metadata that helps us to provide information about the data produced such as quality, history, describe the content and different characteristics of the data within certain activities of the company. Conclusion: To close the idea, a good leader has the talent to motivate collaborators and generate an adequate organizational climate for efficient performance and make the most of the talent of collaborators in the company organization.


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How to Cite
Valencia-Pérez , L., & Gamboa-Salinas , J. . (2023). Leadership styles and decision making in SMEs in zone 3 of Ecuador . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 8(2), 18-26. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2023.2.1648
Author Biographies

Lenin Alfredo Valencia-Pérez , Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador


Lenin Valencia was born on December 25, 1998 in Ambato city. 

At the age of 5, he entered the Aniceto Jordan kindergarten, the first entrance to the Humberto Albornos school, the secondary was completed at the Hispano América school and he is currently studying at the Technical University of Ambato in the Business Administration career, on October 11 He began to write his first scientific article called "LEADERSHIP STYLES AND DECISION MAKING IN SMEs IN ZONE 3 OF ECUADOR" 

Jenny Margoth Gamboa-Salinas , Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador


Jenny Margoth Gamboa Salinas, a professional with titles: Master's Degree in Business Financial Management, Higher Diploma in Technologies for Management and Teaching Practice, Higher Diploma in Finance, Bachelor of Administrative Sciences, Doctor of Administrative Sciences. In addition to a very extensive work experience in important companies such as the Regional Institute for Social Development, Petrolcentro C. A. and currently works as a Professor at the Technical University of Ambato


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