The apps, resource of alternative pedagogies for the development of logical-mathematical intelligence
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Technology has become a key resource in the innovation of various processes and areas, thus in education it has allowed pedagogical alternatives and the promotion of learning; However, not all students have easy access to technology and with it to significant knowledge, which the management of these implies, hence the establishment of ICTs in the teaching-learning processes are of great contribution, being a fundamental tool for its achievement the use of mobile applications (Apps). In this sense, this research seeks to determine the contribution of mobile applications to the development of logical-mathematical intelligence; for which a qualitative research has been carried out through the description and analysis of the bibliographies found on the subject in question. In this research, alternative pedagogies are observed as one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century, every day new forms of knowledge transmission appear, where children develop their intelligences according to their abilities, being logical mathematical reasoning one of the main areas, those that can be promoted through mobile electronic learning (m-learning), whose impact has been shown to be positive in the teaching-learning process. In this sense, the authors consider that the present investigation opens the door to new investigations that seek to verify the impact of the use of mobile applications through field studies in educational institutions.
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