The apps, resource of alternative pedagogies for the development of logical-mathematical intelligence

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Mario Gerardo González-Romero
Mario Paúl Simbaña-Haro
Cristina Elizabeth Merino-Toapanta
Verónica Alexandra Morales-Paucar


Technology has become a key resource in the innovation of various processes and areas, thus in education it has allowed pedagogical alternatives and the promotion of learning; However, not all students have easy access to technology and with it to significant knowledge, which the management of these implies, hence the establishment of ICTs in the teaching-learning processes are of great contribution, being a fundamental tool for its achievement the use of mobile applications (Apps). In this sense, this research seeks to determine the contribution of mobile applications to the development of logical-mathematical intelligence; for which a qualitative research has been carried out through the description and analysis of the bibliographies found on the subject in question. In this research, alternative pedagogies are observed as one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century, every day new forms of knowledge transmission appear, where children develop their intelligences according to their abilities, being logical mathematical reasoning one of the main areas, those that can be promoted through mobile electronic learning (m-learning), whose impact has been shown to be positive in the teaching-learning process. In this sense, the authors consider that the present investigation opens the door to new investigations that seek to verify the impact of the use of mobile applications through field studies in educational institutions.


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How to Cite
González-Romero, M. ., Simbaña-Haro, M. ., Merino-Toapanta, C., & Morales-Paucar, V. . (2021). The apps, resource of alternative pedagogies for the development of logical-mathematical intelligence. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(6-1), 401-411.
Author Biographies

Mario Gerardo González-Romero, Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador


Architect and Bachelor of Educational Sciences, Specialization in Pedagogy, he has a master's degree in Educational Administration and University Teaching granted by the Indoamérica University. Diploma in University Teaching and Research from the CIFE University Center in Mexico. He is currently a full-time teacher-researcher at the Indoamérica University, collaborates with the Coordination of the Careers of the FACHEDS, Coordinator of the Academic Writing Project of the Basic Education Career and Member of the Commission for the Homologation of the Careers of Sciences of the Education. Teacher with forty years of experience in teaching and in the administration and direction of recognized Educational Institutions of the city of Quito. Author of textbooks on Education for Sexuality, Comprehensive Reading and Technical Drawing.

Mario Paúl Simbaña-Haro, Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador


Mario Paúl Simbaña Haro He is a research professor at the Indoamérica University. She obtained her degree in Early Childhood Education, has a Master's Degree in Educational Management and Social Development, PHD (c) in Educational Sciences at the University of Rosario, has a Diploma in University Teaching and Research from the CIFE University Center in Mexico, her line Research is Innovation and didactics in teaching-learning. He is currently a researcher / teacher at the Indoamérica Technological University, in the city of Quito, Ecuador. Author of publications related to early childhood education

Cristina Elizabeth Merino-Toapanta, Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador


Cristina Merino is an Ecuadorian teacher, who has worked in the education sector for more than 15 years, teaching and coordinating public educational centers in Ecuador, with great expertise in the initial and basic level within educational methodologies and didactics, to provide an innovative and quality education. She also has experience as a university teacher, in the training of future education professionals, in various universities in the country. Bachelor of Education, pre-school mention, with higher specializations in educational research, didactics and curriculum, business administration and entrepreneurship, master's degree in education and is currently pursuing a doctorate at the National University of Rosario in Education.

Verónica Alexandra Morales-Paucar, Unidad Educativa Particular Montebello Academy - Ecuador


My name is Veronica Alexandra Morales Paucar I am 32 years old I consider myself a restless and creative person, it causes me anxiety not knowing or understanding things and I always try to fill those gaps, I like to imagine, to dream I have learned in this short journey at university, it is that the truths and ways of doing things, of interpreting and conceiving them are many by the Study is the most wonderful thing that can exist.

My reason why I decided to choose the profession as a teacher is because I have always shown great interest in being able to contribute to the improvement of education. I am aware of the commitment that my profession requires, since it is one of the most important professions for society and for me it is a great satisfaction to work with human matter, to be a mediator and guide in the new generations of tomorrow's citizens.


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