The importance of managerial accounting for management decision making
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Nowadays, administrative or managerial accounting, although not mandatory, is fundamental in a company or organization since it is of utmost importance to have records, data and information on which to make the right decisions regarding the success of the company. According to Inegi (2019), "more than 18% of SMEs do not keep accounting", for this reason they do not meet their objectives, as a consequence of the fact that their decisions are not based on anything and are not favorable. If the company does not have effective and accurate information, provided by administrative accounting, it is practically destined to failure and tends to face later conflicts in the company. The main objective of this study is to identify the importance of management accounting in companies for decision making in the management area, to facilitate the fulfillment of their goals and purposes either in the small, medium or long term. This research is of a theoretical type with a qualitative approach, since it is expected to inform and emphasize the relevance and importance of management accounting in companies. It was understood that management accounting provides the necessary and basic information for good decision making. This type of accounting is responsible for providing the necessary information to be analyzed and to take corrective measures in the functional areas of the company that are found to be deficient through this analysis.
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