Reflections about pedagogy and education sciences: Notes for a genealogy of andragogy

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Luis Rodolfo López Morocho


From a genealogy approach, the present research intends to analyze the emergence of different educational disciplines until the actuality.  I will focus in the pedagogy, the sciences of education and the denominated Andragogy. In order to understand of the different conditions of possibility that enabled their appearance within a specific historical and conceptual framework I have researched about these disciplines. Consequently, I present how begins of pedagogy is sustained the German idealist tradition while the science of education is enrolled into framework of positivist epistemology and the beginnings of sociology. Similarly, I analyze the emergence of an education aimed the adult, and the apparition of andragogy as another discipline which will look forward to becoming the science that legitimizes this type education. Nevertheless, the andragogy will have numerous difficulties for its consolidation due to the fragility of its epistemological status.


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López, L. (2019). Reflections about pedagogy and education sciences: Notes for a genealogy of andragogy. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 4(2), 31-47.


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