Managerial skills in the management of human talent. A strategic vision from financial institutions

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Mirian Pierina Vera-Sacón
Hilarión José Vegas-Meléndez


Savings and credit cooperatives allow access and use of financial services by the excluded population, which is why they seek to reach all sectors of the population, thus contributing to less inequality among the population. income and the poverty index, however his administration does not escape the constant changes demanded by this globalized world, which means that every day the institutions are in a permanent update of knowledge and procedures to efficiently carry out compliance with its objectives, without neglecting the whole issue of managing human talent. It is for this reason that managerial skills become the fundamental pillar to guarantee the correct organizational functioning, generating a high level of competitiveness and work commitment. That is why the present research aims to describe the managerial skills that best suit the management of savings and credit cooperatives.


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How to Cite
Vera-Sacón , M., & Vegas-Meléndez , H. (2021). Managerial skills in the management of human talent. A strategic vision from financial institutions. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(6), 479-491.
Author Biographies

Mirian Pierina Vera-Sacón , Cooperativa de ahorro y crédito JEP - Ecuador


With the title of Commercial Engineer. I currently work in the credit settlement area at Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito JEP. 

Hilarión José Vegas-Meléndez , Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - Sede Manabí - Ecuador



PhD in Administrative and Management Sciences, author of more than 25 publications in scientific journals, academic reference texts, as well as book chapters. Pre and Postgraduate Teacher Researcher accredited by SENESCYT. Research Director of the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador, Manabí headquarters.


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