Main competencies of entrepreneurs, Ecuador case

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Edwin Guillermo Valencia-Gonzalez
María Fernanda Becerra-Sarmiento
Renato Esteban Revelo-Oña


The purpose of this document is to investigate the competences that should be developed by those who whish to star a business in any sector of the economy; since it is not enough to have good ideas, in Ecuador a large percentage of the ventures  tend to disappear in the first year of life so it is important to develop the necessary competencies to be able to keep the business afloat. Objective. Find the most relevant competencies to ensure success in the implementation and operation of an enterprise method. Systematic bibliographic research of transverse cutting is carried out with the review of scopus articles from the last 5 years. Results: The unemployment rate in Ecuador has led to the growth of ventures; entrepreneurs do not have the competencies to take their purpose forward; entrepreneurs have to develop competencies to make their businesses successful. Discussion and conclusions. This study shows that most entrepreneurs in Ecuador have a level of schooling that at best have completed high school which affects permanence and causes an early break that would be avoided by developing the aforementioned competencies.


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How to Cite
Valencia-Gonzalez, E., Becerra-Sarmiento, M., & Revelo-Oña, R. (2021). Main competencies of entrepreneurs, Ecuador case. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 6(5), 346-353.
Author Biographies

Edwin Guillermo Valencia-Gonzalez, Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador


Edwin Guillermo Valencia Gonzalez, Researcher professor in human talent managment. Master in human talent managment from the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Senior Specialist in People and Human Talent Management, from the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Industrial Psychologyst from the  Universidad Central del Ecuador

María Fernanda Becerra-Sarmiento, Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador


Research Professor in Organizational Behavior and Human Talent Management. Administration Engineer with mention in Process Management, Master in Human Talent Management from the National Polytechnic School with Cum Laude distinction, Diploma in Teaching and Research with mention of Academic Excellence-Mexico, among other academic titles. He has participated in national and international presentations, has made various publications on the practice of Human Talent Management.

Renato Esteban Revelo-Oña, Universidad Central del Ecuador



Dr. in Humanities and Arts, mention in Education from the National University of Rosario, Master in Finance and Finance Engineer from the International University of Ecuador, Bachelor in Banking and Finance from the Central University of Ecuador, General Editor of the journal 593 Digital Publisher, member of the editorial board of the journal of Education Saberes Andantes de Fe y Alegría, President of the Research Network in Social Sciences and Humanities with the support of the Central University of Ecuador, Consultant and advisor to the Ministry of Education on issues of virtuality and the development of Financial Education, Consultant in Finance and business issues. Research Professor recognized by SENESCYT at the Universidad Central del Ecuador, work experience in the private and public fields.


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