Pedagogical Training in Digital Tools and their Impact on the Educational Quality of Tax Educational Institutions at pandemic times

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Rosa Isabel Campoverde-Luque
Jenifer Katherine Ponce-Ardila
Gina Elizabeth Rivera-Macías


Pedagogical Training in digital tools in times of pandemic must be a constant and permanent activity, which commits both the teacher and the student, in their role of improving and making the teaching and learning process effective, since it seeks to reinforce and update the knowledge acquired in their professional career, in order to build new teaching strategies in the classroom, now virtual. The lack of training within the educational processes, mainly in the didactic - pedagogical area, causes demotivation in students, little desire to learn, due to the routine of the classes, therefore it is relevant that all the teachers who make up the national educational system fulfill the responsibility of addressing new issues in the educational framework, to improve their skills, framed in enabling the so-called educational quality. The objective of the analysis is to propose a virtual classroom process that allows strengthening previous knowledge through shared learning and use of digital tools and that manages to generate meaningful knowledge and competitive skills. The applied methodology is of a theoretical nature, approximately 30 articles published from 2012 to the present date were analyzed, both empirical and theoretical, and the literary review is focused on topics such as: pedagogical training, digital tools, educational quality, teacher training and learning, in a database of google academics, Elsevier magazine, Redalyc, Scielo, Dialnet and others. The findings found give relevance to pedagogical training in innovative methodologies and digital tools such as You Tube, Educreations, Quizziz, Kahoot, Google Meet; in addition to whiteboards and virtual murals, such as Padlet, Visual Thinking, etc., since these resources are an essential tool in the processes of improvement of teaching and learning methods and strategies, and that have a great impact on educational quality.


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How to Cite
Campoverde-Luque, R., Ponce-Ardila, J., & Rivera-Macías, G. (2021). Pedagogical Training in Digital Tools and their Impact on the Educational Quality of Tax Educational Institutions at pandemic times. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(2-2), 25-33.
Author Biographies

Rosa Isabel Campoverde-Luque, Universidad Espíritu Santo - Ecuador


Professor in Educational Sciences from the State University of Guayaquil, mention in Commerce and Administration / Guayaquil - Ecuador

Degree in Education Sciences from the State University of Guayaquil, mention in Commerce and Administration / Guayaquil - Ecuador

Master of Educational Management from the University of Espiritu Santo / Samborondón - Ecuador

Coordinator of Student Internships technical area of ​​the UEF "Teodoro Alvarado Olea" of the city of Guayaquil School year 2017 - 2018/2018 - 2019/2019 - 2020 / 2020-2021

Member of the Executive Council of the UEF "Teodoro Alvarado Olea" 2019 - 2020 / 2020-2021.

Baccalaureate Teacher UEF "Amaryllis Fuentes Alcívar"

Jenifer Katherine Ponce-Ardila, Universidad Espíritu Santo - Ecuador

Professor in Educational Sciences from the State University of Guayaquil, mention in Commerce and Administration / Guayaquil – Ecuador


Degree in Education Sciences from the State University of Guayaquil, mention in Commerce and Administration / Guayaquil – Ecuador


Master of Educational Management from the University of Espiritu Santo / Samborondón - Ecuador.


High School Teacher in the Technical Area of ​​the UEF "Ficoa de Montalvo" of the city of Guayaquil. School Year 2018-2019.


Teacher of Basic Superior and Baccalaureate area of ​​Sciences of the UEF "Augusto Mendoza Moreira" of the city of Guayaquil. Year 2019-2020.

Teacher tutor of Baccalaureate Degree Projects in the UEF "Augusto Mendoza Moreira" area of ​​Sciences of the city of Guayaquil.

Gina Elizabeth Rivera-Macías, Universidad Espíritu Santo - Ecuador


  • Degree in Advertising and Marketing from the University of Guayaquil, Faculty of Social Communication.
  • Master of Educational Management from the Espiritu Santo University of Samborondon – Ecuador.
  • Positions I have held: administrative secretary of the Colegio Particular Liceo Naval Jorge Cruz Polanco in 2019.


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