Integral Management, Types of Leadership and their Relationship in the Business Context
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The importance of administrative actions, leadership and their relationship in the business context has been reviewed from many perspectives; This case study focused his interest in determining the relationship and intensity of the variables integral management, types of leadership and the tools that can be used to make them visible, measure them and take action on them. The research had a mixed descriptive-correlational approach, where techniques such as surveys and descriptive statistics were used to determine the levels of correlation, reliability and correspondence between the variables.
The case study was developed in the city of Manta, belonging to the Manabí-Ecuador province, where the tuna fishing port of the South Pacific converges, 12 observations were made of large companies in the industrial, financial, automotive and public companies, three of each branch. The results obtained through the analysis of the applied techniques made it possible to demonstrate that administrative actions and types of management are not only related, but must be analyzed by senior management. It is not enough to know the internal and external conditions of an organization, as well as the implementation of adequate process and function control tools, since the results of each company, ultimately, depend on the profile and skills of the person who has the guidelines. of action, in this sense it can be affirmed that the qualities of the leader directly influence the results of the organizations.
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