Between conservation and deforestation: A reading of social-environmental dynamics that impact the transformation of territory and the forest management

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Verónica Gabriela Celi-Checa
Germán Alberto Mosquera-Narváez


This paper describes, from different theoretical explanations, the patterns and causes of deforestation or forest conservation, considers for this purpose, multidisciplinary frameworks, such as socio-environmental, socio-organizational, political, cultural, economic and institutional approaches. Includes an institutional description, where multi-actor factors intervene in forest dynamics, promoted by civil society, non-governmental organizations, and the State.


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How to Cite
Celi-Checa, V., & Mosquera-Narváez, G. (2021). Between conservation and deforestation: A reading of social-environmental dynamics that impact the transformation of territory and the forest management. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(2-2), 171-190.
Author Biographies

Verónica Gabriela Celi-Checa, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales Ecuador-FLACSO


Engineer in Geographical Sciences, with a mention in land use planning, from the Catholic University of Ecuador. Fourth level studies in Climate Change at the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, and a master's degree in Socio-environmental Studies at the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences-FLACSO.


Professional experience of more than ten years in public and private institutions in the coordination and management of forest conservation and biodiversity initiatives, with peoples and nationalities of Ecuador.

Germán Alberto Mosquera-Narváez, Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador


Lawyer from the Republic of Ecuador, Master in International Sciences from the Central University of Ecuador, and Master in Constitutional Law from the Indoamérica University.


University teacher.


Extensive experience at implementation and execution of programs and projects for the conservation and restoration of Ecuadorian forests and ecosystems. Collaborator in the Ministry of the Environment of Ecuador, and international organizations, such as the Food Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.


Co-author of several books related to rights, the environment and society.


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