Labor accidents as a cost-generating factor in MSMES in the textile sector of the province of Tungurahua

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Shirley Dayanara Guachamin-Durán
Betty Maribel Moposita-Azogues
Juan Enrique Ramos-Guevara


The objective of the investigation is to determine the costs generated by the days lost by the worker of the MIPYMES of the textile sector of the province of Tungurahua due to unforeseen and sudden events that cause damage to the worker (occupational accidents) because these are related with the decrease in profitability. Within the methodology, a descriptive and cross-sectional study was used; Furthermore, the quantitative and holistic part that is supported by bibliographic research was considered. The population studied corresponds to 642 companies in the 9 cantons of the province. A structured survey was applied to Human Talent personnel and those responsible for Labor Safety of the companies that was previously validated by teachers of the Technical University of Ambato. Among the most relevant results, it was obtained that the cost of work accident in the MIPYMES of the Textile sector during the year 2019 amounts to a value of $ 4641.20 for a total of 283 days lost by the worker, a value that influences the decrease in the profitability of textile companies.


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How to Cite
Guachamin-Durán, S., Moposita-Azogues, B. ., & Ramos-Guevara, J. (2021). Labor accidents as a cost-generating factor in MSMES in the textile sector of the province of Tungurahua. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(2), 242-251.
Author Biographies

Shirley Dayanara Guachamin-Durán, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador


Graduated from the Business Organization career, participation in: Advertising and Promotion Management Model (UTA); First International Congress of Intellectual Capital and Innovation, (UTA); Introduction to Marketing for SMEs (Instituto Tecnológico Superior Tena)

Betty Maribel Moposita-Azogues, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador


Graduated from the Business Organization career, participation in courses and conferences on occupational safety, work environment, care and protection of personnel.

Juan Enrique Ramos-Guevara, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador


Master in Business Financial Management. University Professor in chairs related to Business Administration and Marketing, Mathematics, Statistics and Operations Research.


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