Plastic bottle containers, a feasible business model. Azogues case - Ecuador

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Jorge Oswaldo Quevedo-Vázquez
Jorge Edwin Ormaza-Andrade
Génesis Jamileth Toledo-Mora
Jorge Oswaldo Quevedo-Cuenca


The objective of this research document is to propose a feasibility business plan for plastic bottle containers, which encourages recycling in the inhabitants of the city of Azogues, Province of Cañar, which has the identification and development of pertinent studies to learn about the culture of recycling that citizens have, as well as to establish the possibility, feasibility and acceptance of incorporating recycling machines for plastic bottles in the city. The methodological setting of the research was non-experimental, with a mixed approach; With an exploratory - descriptive scope, the deductive - inductive method was used as the main method. The results of the article show that, in Azo-gues, its inhabitants consider recycling as one of the activities they carry out regularly since they are part of human and environmental health; however, in the city, there is no automated service; that is, a recycling machine where people can deposit their plastic bottles and receive in return an incentive that encourages even more environmental care; Likewise, the possibility of success of the project is demonstrated by having an IRR of 47% and a NPV of $ 516,031.17.


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How to Cite
Quevedo-Vázquez, J., Ormaza-Andrade, J., Toledo-Mora, G., & Quevedo-Cuenca, J. (2021). Plastic bottle containers, a feasible business model. Azogues case - Ecuador. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(2), 193-202.


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