Social Responsibility in the choice of educational services of a higher institution in Lima This 2020

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Silvia Rosario Olivo-Valenzuela
Eber Alberto Alcalde-Martínez
Luzmila Lourdes Garro-Aburto


The general objective was to determine the influence of social responsibility in the choice of the educational service of a higher Institution in Lima, 2020, basic level, explanatory type, causal correlational, quantitative approach whose population was 400 and the sample was 120, parents and students, the instrument was the questionnaire, the reliability was with Cronbach’s Alpha, in social responsibility the reliability was 0.840, and in the choice educational service 0.822. The results were as follows. In social responsibility the level is regular in 78,3%, in the choice educational service it is adequate in 83,3% and in the dimensions 72,5% of the choice educational service in adequate strategic management; in adequate comprehensive training in 80%, in adequate institutional support in 78,3% and in adequate results in 77, 5%. It is concluded that social responsibility influence between 67,5% and 67,5% in the choice made by students.


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How to Cite
Olivo-Valenzuela, S., Alcalde-Martinez, E., & Garro-Aburto, L. (2021). Social Responsibility in the choice of educational services of a higher institution in Lima This 2020. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(2), 176-182.
Author Biographies

Silvia Rosario Olivo-Valenzuela, Universidad César Vallejo - Perú



                        2018- 2021 Doctorate in Administration (In process)

                                                   Mention in Administration

                                                   Private University "Cesar Vallejo"


                       2015-2017 Teacher

                                           Mention in Talent Management

                                                  Private University "Cesar Vallejo"



                   2010-2012 Teacher

                                           Mention in University Teaching and Management


                                                  Private University "Cesar Vallejo"


2010 Bachelor of Education


University "Enrique Guzmán y Valle"


                           2009 Bachelor of Science in Education

                     University "Enrique Guzmán y Valle"


                    1999 - 2003 Title of the IPÄE Entrepreneur School

                                                   Business Administration

Eber Alberto Alcalde-Martínez, Universidad César Vallejo - Perú


2015 - 2017 PhD

Mention in: Public Management and Governance

Private University "Cesar Vallejo"

2014 - 2016 Magister

In: Administration with a major in Marketing

National University of San Marcos

1980 - 1985 Graduated

In business administration

Federico Villarreal National University

1980 - 1984 Bachelor

In business administration

Federico Villarreal National University

2010 - 2012 Bachelor

In Education Sciences

University "Enrique Guzmán y Valle"

Luzmila Lourdes Garro-Aburto, Universidad César Vallejo - Perú


Doctor in Educational and Tutorial Psychology, Master in Educational Technology and Bachelor of Education in the specialty of Biology and Chemistry, member of the International Research Network on Research Teaching (RISEI) and Network of Teachers of Latin America and the Caribbean ( REDDOLAC).


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