El The Nonvisual Desktop Access (NVDA) in the postgraduate training of a blind person Autobiography

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Andrea Katerine Carabalí-Méndez
Francisco Samuel Mendoza-Moreira


INTRODUCTION: The limitations that are presented to a person with visual impairment have limited their professional training due to the lack of significant and very significant access curricular adaptations that facilitate their permanence even in postgraduate courses. METHOD: This work is the result of a biographical-narrative investigation that collects the experience of a professional with visual impairment acquired during her postgraduate training with a qualitative approach oriented to the deconstruction of experience. RESULTS: The work describes the usefulness of the Non-Visual Desktop Access (NVDA) screen reader as an adaptation of access to postgraduate processes in Inclusive Attention to Special Educational Needs. DISCUSSION: The NVDA screen reader is not only an access device to the educational process, it also contributes to the daily life of the subject in his family, personal and educational environment, allowing the subject to achieve autonomy and functionality as a subject of rights and independent individual.


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How to Cite
Carabalí-Mendez, A., & Mendoza-Moreira, F. (2021). El The Nonvisual Desktop Access (NVDA) in the postgraduate training of a blind person: Autobiography. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(2-1), 53-62. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2021.2-1.460
Author Biographies

Andrea Katerine Carabalí-Méndez, Instituto de Posgrado de la Universidad Técnica del Norte - Ecuador


I have nine years of experience as an English Teacher: In  Distance  Education in the rural área for two years, in schools for 6 years and one year with higschools

Francisco Samuel Mendoza-Moreira, Instituto de Posgrado de la Universidad Técnica del Norte - Ecuador

Teacher of Primary School, into the Educational System (Basic, Baccalaureate and compensatory) since 2004; Associate Researcher Professor III of the Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí and Associate Researcher I of the Senescyt, postgraduate professor in Education in several national universities and in the South American region, with high study interest in Curriculum and substantive functions of Education from the approach of socio-pedagogy and the transformation of the subject in response to the demands of its contextual tissues.


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