Social Justice and Organizations

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Mishell Natividad Córdova-Pionce
Edisson Andrés Frias-Pérez
José Miguel Acuña-Mayorga


Justice is the cultural expression with the greatest transcendence within humanity since historical times, it is considered as a universal principle that generates "an appropriate balance between competitive claims and principles that assign rights and obligations and define an appropriate division of social advantages" ( Squella, 2010); However, being an ethical issue and having different definitions, it is subjective considering that each person has their own idealization regarding the subject and has been variable over time and involved in social, political, economic, labor, and ideological spheres.


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How to Cite
Córdova, M., Frias, E., & Acuña, J. (2021). Social Justice and Organizations. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(2), 118-124.
Author Biographies

Mishell Natividad Córdova-Pionce, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador sede Ambato

Mishell Natividad Córdova Pionce, of Ecuadorian nationality, by profession Marketing Engineer and Business Management. I am currently studying a Master's Degree in Business Administration at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Ambato Headquarters

My professional environment has allowed me to develop in administrative areas, since 2017 I am part of the work team of the Public Company of the Technical University of Ambato, I work as Document and Archive Management Assistant, additionally I collaborate in the development of activities inherent to Human Talent and I manage activities related to the development of General Management

Edisson Andrés Frias-Pérez, Hospital General Docente Ambato - Ecuador


I did my university studies at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences of the Technical University of Ambato, obtaining the title of Engineer in Marketing and Business Management; My desire to continue preparing myself in a field that has always fascinated me, I am oriented to enroll in the Master in Human Talent Management, the knowledge acquired during my preparation has allowed me to develop in the labor field, I am currently working as a General Services Analyst in the Ambato Regional Teaching Hospital, my functions focus on the optimal management of personnel to increase productivity and achieve a balance of satisfaction between the internal and external client; I worked in the accounting area of ​​the private sector for around 5 years, which has contributed significantly to my profession. Without a doubt, preparation and continuous learning allow us not only to improve as professionals, but also to learn to function as good human beings in the work environment.

José Miguel Acuña-Mayorga, Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador


José Miguel Acuña Mayorga, Ecuadorian, Single, Third Level Industrial Psychologist degree, currently worked at the Indoamérica Technological University as a Teaching Technician, studying the Master of Human Talent Management, courses and seminars in recruitment and selection of personnel, organizational development, management of human talent, managerial skills, labor law, human talent management and psychometrics, human talent management and payroll, leadership, organizational communication, level of English B1 + Intermediate.


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