Brand value: An analysis of association factors in social networks (cooperative case study)

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Anthony Israel Masabanda-Sisa
Klever Armando Moreno-Gavilanes


Cooperatives in Ecuador, being immersed in a highly competitive market, must generate value on their financial products or services, which can be analyzed based on the proper management of their brand through means of digital interaction linked to the association that users possess on a particular brand. The objective of this research was to investigate the influence of relationship marketing (RMO) on the brand value of the Savings and Credit Cooperative “Ambato”, to determine the association factors of the brand and to evaluate their degree of relationship. The qualitative approach allowed to establish the parameters of the measurement instrument. Through the quantitative approach, the information was collected and the construct validated. The main result found was that relationship marketing in social networks significantly influences the brand value of the cooperative “Ambato”. It is concluded that loyalty is the main association factor in social networks that is based on the perceived satisfaction and value that is added through brand management.


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How to Cite
Masabanda, A., & Moreno, K. (2020). Brand value: An analysis of association factors in social networks (cooperative case study). 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 5(6-1), 130-142.
Author Biographies

Anthony Israel Masabanda-Sisa, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador


Anthony Masabanda is currently a high-performance student in the marketing and business management career at the Technical University of Ambato. Now he works as Head of the Credit and Collection Department of the Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito "Ambato"

Klever Armando Moreno-Gavilanes, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador


Klever Moreno Gavilanes is a PhD of Business Sciences from the Rey Juan Carlos University (Spain). He has fourth-level academic degrees of Master's Degree in Curricular Design and Educational Evaluation (Ecuador), Master's Degree in Business Financial Management (Ecuador), and Master's Degree in Business Organization (Spain). Within the third level academic degree, he is a Business Engineer and a Bachelor of Administrative Sciences from the Technical University of Ambato (Ecuador). Related to his teaching experience, he has directed Postgraduate Modules in several universities in the central area of ​​Ecuador. He was Director of Research Projects at the Technical University of Ambato. Currently, he is a full-time teacher at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences of the Technical University of Ambato (Ecuador). As part of his professional experience, he has served as Assistant Dean of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Coordinator of the Marketing and Business Management Career at the Technical University of Ambato. He is currently a deputy member of the Council of Higher Education (CES)