Economic reactivation in companies of the industrial sector through the forgotten effects matrix

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Kléber Antonio Luna-Altamirano
William Henry Sarmiento-Espinoza
Daniel Jacobo Andrade-Pesantez
Héctor Alejandro Espinoza Pillaga


The city of Cuenca-Ecuador, recognized as the city of large industries, thanks to the contingent of these companies that make up the industrial sector, there has been an economic development within this canton. The problem of the investigation is the low production and commercialization of its products, translated into a loss of liquidity caused by the health emergency that the country is going through. The objective of the research is to develop the forgotten effects matrix by identifying actions and effects, thereby finding the forgotten variable, in order to try to mitigate this risk. From the methodological point of view, the study is aligned with the quantitative level, developing a square matrix of forgotten effects, with the support of the businessmen through their opinions, with this the results are obtained: The action Incorporation of biosafety elements affects on the effect gradual increase in production, through the forgotten effect or omitted variable "Personnel with health security". The use of this theory allows managers or owners to find the ideal way, in order to strengthen decision-making in this way to improve the sustainability of their organizations.


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How to Cite
Luna, K., Sarmiento, W., Andrade, D., & Espinoza, H. (2020). Economic reactivation in companies of the industrial sector through the forgotten effects matrix. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 5(6-1), 105-115.
Author Biographies

Kléber Antonio Luna-Altamirano, Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador

Candidate for Doctor of Social Sciences, mention in Management, from the University of Zulia (Venezuela). Master in Business Administration, Mention in Human Resources and Marketing. Economist. Research Professor, Academic Unit of Administration of the Catholic University of Cuenca.

William Henry Sarmiento-Espinoza, Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador

Magister in Didactics of Mathematics. Commercial Engineer. Research Professor, Academic Unit of Administration of the Catholic University of Cuenca, Ecuador.

Daniel Jacobo Andrade-Pesantez, Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador

Master of Administration in Information Technologies. Master in Applied Computer Security. Director of the Business Administration Career at the Academic Unit of Administration of the Catholic University of Cuenca, Ecuador.

Héctor Alejandro Espinoza Pillaga, Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador

Master in Business Administration. Commercial Engineer. Professor of the Academic Unit of Administration of the Catholic University of Cuenca, Ecuador.


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