Esbozo de una pedagogía escolar

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Pablo Narvaja


In the Republic of Argentina, ever since it returned to a democracy, the scholar system, in the existing public policies has showed a will of transformation aimed to operate through rules, budget, curriculum and the incorporation of technologies; among the most highlighted elements exposed from the objective dimension of the system; as per the training and reformulation of the teacher preparation stated from the subjective dimension of the people enrolled.

The objective of this presentation aims to show the limitations of the diagnosis on which the attempts to a change are based, using as fundamentals a set of conceptual tools offered by the epistemology.

The initial point of this communication starts with the definition of ‘knowledge’ as a legitimated belief while different spheres of knowledge related to education are also distinguished, each with different criteria of validation that intersect, contradict, reinforce or inhibits in the scholar field.

Considering that the genetically incorporated knowledge in the educational system presents obstacles to new practices, formats and interactions within the school, different components of the school system are analyzed, both discursive and non-discursive. The conditions for the possibilities of discourses about education as part of a system of truths that must be dismantled to generate the possibility of effective changes are also identified.

Finally, applying to the Pedagogy the invitation that Pierre Bourdieu and Loïc Wacquant formulate to the sociologists, some considerations are presented in relation to a work proposal that allows to construct a Reflexive Pedagogy, oriented to the study of the conditions of the possibly of knowledge about the education.


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How to Cite
Narvaja, P. (2017). Esbozo de una pedagogía escolar. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 2(6), 20-32. Retrieved from


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