Impact of entrepreneurial training on early stage students

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Andrés Aníbal Oyarzún-Cristi
Cristóbal Patricio Maturana-Contreras
Evadil Antonio Ayala-Riquelme


In order to improve Chile's regional and national competitiveness, a program to strengthen school entrepreneurship was created in 2018 in the Tarapacá region, extreme north of Chile, called Tarapacá Labs School. Through the program planned in seven sessions, we worked from the inspiration of the students to undertake until the generation of a prototype and the defense of it through a pitch. In the present study, the results of a school tournament developed during 2019 where three educational establishments participated simultaneously with a sample of 77 students are analyzed, with the aim of verifying progress in one or more entrepreneurial aspects of the participants. Based on a statistical investigation of the results of the measurement of the self-evaluation of Personal Entrepreneurial Characteristics (CEP's), it is evident that the sample group tends to equate the evaluations obtained from their entrepreneurial characteristics, but that when analyzing separately those who worked in a special session, relevant variations are evident. It is suggested that thanks to the personalized work in each of them it is possible to enhance or attenuate some characteristics.


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How to Cite
Oyarzún, A., Maturana, C., & Ayala, E. (2020). Impact of entrepreneurial training on early stage students. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 5(6), 117-130.
Author Biographies

Andrés Aníbal Oyarzún-Cristi, Tarapacá Labs, Universidad Arturo Prat - Chile

Professional with 4 years of work in Tarapacá Labs (since its foundation), where he has implemented entrepreneurship promotion programs for young people, university students and people with an idea or a business in operation. He is the one who designs the bases of the Tarapacá Labs School program.

Cristóbal Patricio Maturana-Contreras, Tarapacá Labs, Universidad Arturo Prat - Chile
Industrial Civil Engineer, Tarapacá Labs School program coordinator.
Professional who carried out his professional practices in Tarapacá Labs and who today leads the implementation of the Tarapacá Labs School program, where he works in “Tarapacá”, Chile, to teach and strengthen the entrepreneurial skills of young students.

Evadil Antonio Ayala-Riquelme, Universidad Arturo Prat - Chile
Academic of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Master in Human Resources Management 2004 from the University of Valparaíso.
He is the Director of Tarapacá Labs, who founded the organization. He is responsible for maintaining good relations with institutions and companies to strengthen the programs. Advises on topics and trends content for students.


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