Evaluation of Quality of Care and User Satisfaction in Outpatient Consultation (General Teaching Hospital Ambato)
Main Article Content
Two important aspects arise in medical care: the first is technical care, in which science and technology are used to help solve the health problem. And the second is interpersonal treatment, that is, the social interaction between the health professional and the user or patient in the cultural and economic aspect. This research work will focus on the second important aspect. Objective: To evaluate the quality of attention and user satisfaction in the External Consultation area of the HGDA. The sample was 384 users and patients. Methodology: SERVQUAL, which is to measure five dimensions (tangibility, responsiveness, reliability, security and empathy.). Results: The dimensions where there is dissatisfaction on the part of the users of the External Consultation services of the HGDA were reliability, security and empathy; while responsiveness and tangibility were considered partially satisfied. Proposal: apply new strategies for continuous improvement in the following indicators: Reduction in user waiting times to schedule their appointment and waiting time from when they arrive to being attended, greater accessibility when attending the health facility, strict protocol and control in cleaning the facilities of the establishment and strategic location of signs for a better orientation of the users; likewise, training and evaluations for internal and external users will be intensified. Conclusions: Regarding expectations as perceptions, evaluations were obtained only up to 80% of the level of satisfaction, here the theoretical foundations of the quality of care and service satisfaction were developed, the quality of care was evaluated and the factors that they significantly influence the satisfaction and perception of the users who attend the External Consultation of the HGDA.
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