Customer perception and satisfaction in the marketing of chemical products in the Province of El Oro

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Elio Marvin Chica-Calle
Liana Carola Sanchez-Cabrera
Edith Marlene Rogel-Gutierrez


The study focuses on customer perception and satisfaction when selling chemical products in the Province of El Oro, Ecuador; its objective is to “Determine customer perception and satisfaction in the marketing of chemical products in the Province of El Oro”, through the application of structured surveys and promoted by the SERVPERF and SERVQUAL models, several dimensions of service quality were assessed, including reliability, empathy, ability to respond, security and tangible elements. The findings indicate that, although customers hold a generally favorable opinion about service quality, there are important inequalities that need to be addressed, particularly in the aspects of reliability and empathy. These inequalities indicate that customer expectations are not being properly met, which could result in a reduction in satisfaction and customer loss in a competitive market. 

The study also highlights the importance of customer service and expectations management; companies need to enhance communication with their customers to understand and meet their requirements, which will not only increase customer satisfaction, but also promote long-term loyalty. In addition, it emphasizes the importance of a balance between large-scale manufacturing and product quality, particularly in a scenario where the need for agricultural chemicals is growing. 


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How to Cite
Chica-Calle , E. ., Sanchez-Cabrera , L. ., & Rogel-Gutierrez , E. . (2025). Customer perception and satisfaction in the marketing of chemical products in the Province of El Oro . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 10(2), 450-458.
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Author Biographies

Elio Marvin Chica-Calle , Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

A student of Business Administration, he has actively participated in conferences, business analysis projects and case studies. Currently, he is working on the publication of his first scientific article. Committed to academic excellence to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in administration. 

Liana Carola Sanchez-Cabrera , Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Coordinator of the Business Administration Degree, she is responsible for guiding and supporting students in their academic career. With extensive experience in the field and a deep commitment to teaching, he provides advice and guidance to students, promoting the personal and professional growth of each of them. 

Edith Marlene Rogel-Gutierrez , Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

University teacher with a master's degree in business management, dedicated to teaching university students with charisma and commitment. Also participation in teaching at the Huaquillas professional drivers union school. 


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