Online education and professional competences acquired at the university level

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Myriam del Carmen Angel-Poma
Renato Esteban Revelo-Oña


Education and other social development activities have adopted new ways to reach more citizens, online education is one of them, which allows science to be transmitted through workshops, talks and live conferences similar to in conventional education, the university student in his professionalization must acquire several competencies that allow him to know the world and influence in through the knowledge, creative thinking, creativity and innovation that lead him to the solution of society’s problems. The aim of this research is to distinguish the impact of online education on the achievement of professional competences in the university environment. It is a descriptive study with a cross-sectional design based on the analysis of the variables posed Online education and professional competencies, developed with students from a public university in the city of Quito – Ecuador. The most significant results show that the least developed competencies in the online classes were professional, entrepreneurship and work. It is important that the teacher's work is based on critical thinking, participation in projects, the application of strategies and techniques so that the student is empowered with competencies, achieves autonomy, a life plan with empathetic, harmonious interpersonal relationships and can transform society. The different techniques, tools and strategies that teachers can use in online education will allow the acquisition of these skills.


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How to Cite
Angel-Poma , M., & Revelo-Oña, R. (2025). Online education and professional competences acquired at the university level . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 10(2), 696-708.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Myriam del Carmen Angel-Poma , Universidad Central del Ecuador - Ecuador

Teacher – Researcher for 25 years at the middle and higher levels in the area of Mathematics and Pedagogical Sciences, she has research oriented to the substantive functions that are developed in educational institutions of higher education, Quality, Pedagogy, Didactics, Learning an Leadership.

Renato Esteban Revelo-Oña, Universidad Central del Ecuador - Ecuador

PhD Candidate in Humanities and Arts, specializing in Education at the National University of Rosario. Holds a Master's degree in Finance and a Bachelor's degree in Finance Engineering from the International University of Ecuador, as well as a Bachelor's degree in Banking and Finance from the Central University of Ecuador.

General Editor of the 593 Digital Publisher journal and a member of the editorial committee of the Saberes Andantes de Fe y Alegría education journal, as well as the Andean Journal of Education of the Simón Bolívar Andean University.

President of the Research Network in Social Sciences and Humanities, endorsed by the Central University of Ecuador. Consultant and advisor to the Ministry of Education on virtual education and the development of Financial Education. Consultant in finance and business-related topics.

Recognized as a research professor by SENESCYT at the Central University of Ecuador, with professional experience in both the private and public sectors


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