Abuse of psychotropic drugs, narcotic drugs and intravenous anesthetics in the anesthesiology department.

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Marcela Fabiola Jarrín-Jaramillo
Julio Adrián Molleturo-Jiménez
Susana Janeth Peña-Cordero


Anesthesiology service personnel are susceptible to the abuse of narcotics, psychotropic drugs and intravenous anesthetics, in part due to the easy access to these drugs. As health personnel it is their duty to procure the patient's wellbeing, in cases of abuse, the professional puts the patient and him/herself at risk. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the medical-legal aspects of the abuse of psychotropic and intravenous anesthetics by anesthesiology service personnel. METHODOLOGY: A systematic review of the medical literature in specialized databases was carried out, selecting 28 articles of greater relevance.  RESULTS: Two cases related to the criminal liability of anesthesiology service personnel were found, one case showing the consequences on mental health. CONCLUSION: Substance abuse in anesthesiology personnel can have serious legal consequences. We recommend the revision of the classification of propofol, since it is a drug of potential abuse.


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How to Cite
Jarrín-Jaramillo, M., Molleturo-Jiménez, J., & Peña-Cordero, S. . (2025). Abuse of psychotropic drugs, narcotic drugs and intravenous anesthetics in the anesthesiology department. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 10(1-1), 37-49. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2025.1-1.2998
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Marcela Fabiola Jarrín-Jaramillo, Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador


I am a doctor, specializing in Anesthesiology, and I practice at the Durán Hospital in Guayaquil. I am currently pursuing a Master's Degree in Medical Law at the Catholic University of Cuenca.

Julio Adrián Molleturo-Jiménez, Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador


Lawyer of the Courts of Justice of the Republic, Magister in Medical Law and Magister in Stock Market and Insurance Financial Law, professor of Insurance Law and Medical Civil Responsibility of the Master in Medical Law of the Catholic University of Cuenca since 2022.

Susana Janeth Peña-Cordero, Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador


Doctor in Medicine and Surgery, specialist in Internal Medicine, Specialist in University Teaching, Master in Advanced Endocrinology, Ph.D in Medical Sciences, professor at the Catholic University of Cuenca since 2001, President of the Ethics Committee for Research in Human Beings of the Catholic University of Cuenca.


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