Analysis of the implementation of the DPRAC methodology in the Jatari Unancha technical high school
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It has been possible to perceive that in Ecuador, being a sovereign and democratic country, as well as one of its basic characteristics is that it is a pluricultural, multiethnic and intercultural nation, Intercultural Bilingual Education (EIB) has been promoted and with its DPRAC method ( Diagnosis, Starting from experience, Reflection, Expansion of knowledge and Change of Reality), within the SEEIC (Cotopaxi Intercultural Experimental Educational System), where the need to promote practices that have to do with learning as well as the experimentation of bilingual intercultural practices in today's education environment to preserve ancestral roots and legacies. The objective is to understand how the implementation of the DPRAC methodology has been managed, in an intercultural environment in which the technical high school students of the Jatari Unancha school are located. The methodology is qualitative and quantitative with the use of the survey for 120 students belonging to the technical high school of the Jatari Unancha School and three teachers of various subjects to understand if said methodology is being implemented according to their perception, knowledge and projection. The result was that the majority of students and teachers indicate that if intercultural practices are carried out at the institution, one of them is the learning of Kichua; however, there are students who are not completely motivated in these practices. It is concluded that the promotion of intercultural practices with the DPRAC methodology is essential, based on collective actions with the use of elements such as ICT, practices of ancestral traditions and customs and others that will strengthen the use of this methodology in bilingual intercultural education.
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