Business development observatory in the Northwest Region of Guanacaste, Costa Rica for the identification of environmental factors that affect the opening of businesses, period 2014-2023

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Héctor Andrés Canossa-Montes de Oca
Roberto Rodríguez-Alcócer
Jorge Antonio Avendaño-Mejía
Abigail Rivera-Castillo
Ana Leonela Cruz-Morera
Geraldina de los Ángeles Otero-Araúz
Leonel Alberto Alvarado-Arroyo


This paper proposes a business development observatory in the Northwest Region of Guanacaste, Costa Rica, comprising the cantons of Liberia, Carrillo, Santa Cruz, and La Cruz; the purpose is to analyze the environmental factors that influence the establishment of businesses. The research is based on a mixed approach under a positivist paradigm, the study adopts a non-experimental, cross-sectional, and descriptive design; likewise, the data collection techniques include the documentary analysis of municipal patents from 2014 to 2023, semi-structured interviews with local government representatives, and a survey applied to 106 entrepreneurs in the region. Variables such as business behavior, business profile, environmental factors, business development, and communication strategies were examined. The findings highlight that the region has experienced sustained growth during the period, and that important factors for development include education, technological adaptation, tourist attractions, financial management, and political behavior, making communication and integration strategies among economic agents fundamental for development. 


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How to Cite
Canossa-Montes de Oca , H., Rodríguez-Alcócer , R. ., Avendaño-Mejía , J. ., Rivera-Castillo , A. ., Cruz-Morera , A. ., Otero-Araúz , G. ., & Alvarado-Arroyo , L. . (2025). Business development observatory in the Northwest Region of Guanacaste, Costa Rica for the identification of environmental factors that affect the opening of businesses, period 2014-2023 . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 10(2), 228-246.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Héctor Andrés Canossa-Montes de Oca , Universidad Técnica Nacional – Costa Rica

Business administrator, academic and researcher, full-time professor at the Universidad Técnica Nacional, and part-time for Universidad Nacional and Tecnológico de Costa Rica. Graduated in Business Administration from the University of Costa Rica, Master in Business Administration with emphasis on Human Resources, Finance and Marketing from ULACIT; Doctor in Business Sciences from Universidad Fidélitas. 

Roberto Rodríguez-Alcócer , Universidad Técnica Nacional – Costa Rica

Business administrator, academic and researcher, full-time professor at the Universidad Técnica Nacional, and part-time for Universidad Nacional and Tecnológico de Costa Rica. Graduated in Business Administration from the University of Costa Rica, Master in Business Administration with emphasis on Human Resources, Finance and Marketing from ULACIT; Doctor in Business Sciences from Universidad Fidélitas. 

Jorge Antonio Avendaño-Mejía , Universidad Técnica Nacional – Costa Rica

Doctor in Business Sciences,    Master in Business Administration with emphasis in Project Management. 

Graduate in Administration with an emphasis in Finance. 

Incorporated Private Accountant 

Abigail Rivera-Castillo , Universidad Técnica Nacional - Costa Rica  

Graduated from the career of Business Management and Administration from the Universidad Técnica Nacional of Costa Rica with a diploma and bachelor's degree in the same area. She is currently in the final phase of her degree, developing the graduation project, where she applies her acquired knowledge in conjunction with the skills. 

Ana Leonela Cruz-Morera , Universidad Técnica Nacional - Costa Rica

Graduated from the career of Management and Business Administration, at the age of 26 she has a diploma and university bachelor's degree in the same career. She is currently completing her bachelor's degree at Universidad Técnica Nacional of Costa Rica. 

Geraldina de los Ángeles Otero-Araúz , Universidad Técnica Nacional - Costa Rica

Graduate of the Business Management and Administration program at the bachelor's level, at the 27 years old, she currently pursuing a degree in the same field at the Universidad Técnica Nacional. 

Leonel Alberto Alvarado-Arroyo , Universidad Técnica Nacional- Costa Rica

Graduated from the career of Management and Business Administration, he has a Diploma in Business Management as well as a University bachelor’s degree in business management and administration at the Universidad Técnica Nacional of Costa Rica, he is currently studying the Bachelor's Degree of the same career at this university. 


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