Impact evaluation strategy of super letters learning centers in Fourth Grade

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Wilson Heriberto Ortiz-Carrasco
Margot Clemencia Castillo-Moreno
Yadyra de la Caridad Piñera-Concepción
Isaac Roger-Martínez


The study entitled "Strategy for Evaluating the Impact of the Super Letras Learning Centers in Fourth Grade" focused on designing a strategy to evaluate the impact of these centers on the development of linguistic macroskills in fourth grade students of the Fe y Alegría "Ambato" Educational Unit. The methodology applied was mixed, including a documentary review of the Tekman Education program, the application of a Macroskills test to students to measure the contribution that the program provides to the development of macroskills. An empirical validation method was also used through surveys and observation guides in Language and Literature classes, and statistical analysis was applied to evaluate the results. The results show a positive impact on the students' linguistic skills, highlighting a greater motivation and predisposition to learning through adapted strategies. The students showed progress in comprehension, oral and written expression, and independent reading. The findings underline the effectiveness of the Super Letters Learning Centers, suggesting the need for customized training and systematic follow-up assessments to further enhance their impact in the classroom. This strategy promotes inclusive and tailored teaching, optimizing the development of language skills.


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How to Cite
Ortiz-Carrasco , W. ., Castillo-Moreno , M., Piñera-Concepción , Y. ., & Roger-Martínez, I. . (2025). Impact evaluation strategy of super letters learning centers in Fourth Grade . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 10(2), 24-42.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Wilson Heriberto Ortiz-Carrasco , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Teacher in Basic Education with 19 years of experience, creator of the San Fernando de Pasa kindergarten, teacher at the San Fernando de Pasa Pluri-Docent and Complete School, tutor teacher at the González Suárez Educational Unit, tutor teacher at the Juan León Mera La Salle Educational Unit, where I serve as first member of the management team and grade coordinator. Currently, I am a teacher by appointment at the Ministry of Education of Ecuador and I serve as tutor teacher at the Fe y Alegría Ambato Educational Unit. 

Margot Clemencia Castillo-Moreno , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Teacher in Basic Education with 25 years of experience in the public teaching profession, Educational Leader at the José Guamán Guajala one-teacher school, grade school teacher at the Zoila Rendón de Mosquera comprehensive school, tutor teacher at the Luis Urdaneta Basic Education School where I currently work. I have held positions as a member of the Academic Board and First Member of the Executive Council.

Yadyra de la Caridad Piñera-Concepción , Universidad Bolivariana de Ecuador - Ecuador

Bachelor's degree in Education, specializing in Spanish Literature. (1984)

Master's degree in Language and Literature Didactics. (2001)

PhD in Pedagogical Sciences. (2007)

She has completed postdoctoral studies. (2017)

Full professor


Researcher, Professor and virtual tutor at the Bolivarian University of Ecuador (Master's degree in Basic Education).


Researcher at the “Health and Society Research Center” of the Evangelical University of El Salvador (CISS-UEES).

Researcher at the Center for Education Studies at the University of Pinar del Río.

Professor of the Doctorate in Education and lecturer at the University of San Carlos, Guatemala.

Researcher at the Department of Educational Research, Entrecampos, Guatemala.

Co-author of 3 books and more than 60 scientific articles.

She has taught undergraduate and graduate courses and is an educational researcher in Cuba, Venezuela, Guatemala, Peru, Ecuador and El Salvador

Supervisor of 297 undergraduate theses, 135 master's theses and 21 doctoral theses.

She has directed graduate programs: Doctorate in Pedagogical Sciences and 3 diplomas.

Secretary of the Degree Commission for Doctoral Training. Pinar del Río, Cuba.

Referee and member of the Scientific Committee of the pedagogical journal Mendive (scielo).

Isaac Roger-Martínez , Universidad Bolivariana de Ecuador - Ecuador

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (Methodology and Teaching Career Department)

Specialist in Didactics, Virtual Education, Learning, Basic Education, Teacher Training


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