Effective implementation of learning and knowledge technologies in the area of natural sciences in secondary education

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Carlos Alfredo Bustamante-Noriega
Cristhian Bryan Ramon-Tandazo
Elizabeth Esther Vergel-Parejo
Jorge Mesa-Vazquez


This study analyzes the effective implementation of Learning and Knowledge Technologies (LKT) in the area of Natural Sciences in Secondary Education. The research addresses the problem that, despite the documented benefits, the integration of CAT in science teaching still faces challenges such as lack of teacher training and inadequate curriculum integration. The main objective of the research is to evaluate the impact of the effective integration of CT in the improvement of academic achievement in the area of Natural Sciences in the Ecuadorian context. For this purpose, an initial diagnosis of the students' level of knowledge was made, digital didactic tools that integrated different CTs, such as simulations, animations and virtual laboratories, were implemented, and finally, learning progress was evaluated. The results revealed that the effective implementation of CT in Natural Science teaching significantly improved students' performance and motivation, as well as their understanding and retention of key concepts. These findings provide empirical evidence supporting the adoption of CTs in science education, overcoming existing challenges through appropriate curriculum integration and teacher training. In conclusion, this study highlights the potential of CT to transform and enrich the teaching and learning processes in the area of Natural Sciences in Secondary Education. 


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How to Cite
Bustamante-Noriega , C. ., Ramon-Tandazo , C. ., Vergel-Parejo , E. ., & Mesa-Vazquez , J. . (2025). Effective implementation of learning and knowledge technologies in the area of natural sciences in secondary education . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 10(1), 588-601. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2025.1.2887
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Carlos Alfredo Bustamante-Noriega , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador



Environmental Engineer from the Agrarian University of Ecuador, with experience as a Supervisor in safety and environment, and as a teacher in the area of ​​Natural Sciences. He currently works as a teacher at the Santa Teresita Educational Unit, teaching classes in the upper basic level in the subject of Natural Sciences and in the high school in the subject of Research and in the Student Participation Program. 

Cristhian Bryan Ramon-Tandazo , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador


Professor of Plastic Arts at the “Patricia Cherrez de Pesantes” School with extensive experience at educational levels.  Promoter of the Municipal GAD Project of Santa Rosa EL Oro, “Festival of Colors” Collaborator of mural and sculpture work at the Technical University of Machala. 

Elizabeth Esther Vergel-Parejo , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador


Doctor in Education and Master in Biology Teaching, with a Bachelor's Degree in Education, specialty Biology. Expert in didactics of Natural Sciences, Biology, Genetics and Scientific Research. Currently, she is a research professor at the Bolivarian University of Ecuador, with extensive experience at various educational levels. 

Jorge Mesa-Vazquez , Universidad de Oriente - Cuba


He is a Professor graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Education, Specialty Mathematics - Computer Science Doctor in Pedagogical Sciences from the Universidad de Oriente since July 2015. He currently works as a research professor at the Center for Multidisciplinary Studies of Coastal Areas at the Universidad de Oriente. His research area and most of his publications have focused on the field of Information and Communication Technologies linked to education. 


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