Big Data analysis as a personalized marketing strategy in LH Computer

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Gustavo Israel Hernández-Cardona
Jenny Margoth Gamboa-Salinas


The need for analysis aimed to determine the relevance of Big Data analysis as a personalized marketing strategy at LH Computer, big data is a term that refers to the storage of large amounts of data and the methods used to find recurring patterns in that data; personalized, or individual, marketing is a strategy that uses data and analysis to provide more personalized experiences to customers and prospects. To do this, the methodology is quantitative, because data collection and analysis were used to answer research questions and test previously formulated hypotheses, with a non-experimental design, the population was made up of 12 operational and 3 administrative employees, so that the data collection technique is the survey, using a structured questionnaire. The results revealed that it is essential for the company to use digital media for better market positioning, Facebook is the most widely used digital medium to sell its products; within the company there is no exclusive person for mass data management, it is very important for the company to prepare its staff for Big Data management, and customer tracking on digital networks and platforms is effective in maintaining the company-customer relationship. It is concluded that customer follow-up becomes essential to promote interaction, to avoid setbacks and to take advantage of the benefits and advantages it offers. A person must be responsible for its management, focus completely on the contacts that the company has made and keep the information fluid and permanent.


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How to Cite
Hernández-Cardona , G. ., & Gamboa-Salinas , J. . (2024). Big Data analysis as a personalized marketing strategy in LH Computer . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(6), 1261-1276.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Gustavo Israel Hernández-Cardona , Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Gustavo Israel Hernández Cardona, born on June 17, 1991 in Quito.  From a young age he showed interest in business administration. Graduated from the Marketing and Business Management degree at the Technical University of Ambato. He currently works as Manager of his technology company and is interested in expanding his company nationally. In his free time he enjoys soccer and the gym. 

Jenny Margoth Gamboa-Salinas , Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Doctor in Administrative Sciences, Master in Business Financial Management, Author of several books and scientific articles.  Business Financial Advisor.  Professor of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences. 


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