Use of Kahoot for Academic Reinforcement in Mathematics in the First Year of Technical Baccalaureate

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Luis Miguel Guamaní-Pallo
María Martina Choloquinga-Choloquinga
Rosa Roxana Chiquito-Chilan


Academic reinforcements have become important tools within the teaching-learning processes in schools and colleges in the country, due to the shortcomings that have been dragging on since the pandemic. During the development of a class, a teacher must move towards the objective; if this is not met, the teacher is obliged to provide reinforcements to ensure that the students take ownership of the knowledge taught. According to data from the Ministry of Education, this deficiency is concentrated in students at the upper basic level and high school, which explains the high demand for strategies and activities focused on academic reinforcement. For this reason, this research proposes the use of a digital medium (kahoot), as an alternative and methodological means in academic reinforcement which will serve to strengthen and complement the academic gaps generated during the school process, in addition, it is considered as an learning tool used for different purposes; that allows the dynamic development of academic reinforcement programs for technical high school students. The institution under investigation is the Intercultural Bilingual Community Educational Unit “Jatari Unancha”, which has four professional figures with approximately 1,300 students where the need to implement different innovative strategies to promote the cognitive development of students that allows them to achieve optimal levels in understanding of subjects, especially mathematics, since this subject is of vital importance for comprehensive development.



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How to Cite
Guamaní-Pallo , L. ., Choloquinga-Choloquinga , M. ., & Chiquito-Chilan , R. . (2024). Use of Kahoot for Academic Reinforcement in Mathematics in the First Year of Technical Baccalaureate. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(6), 907-919.
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Author Biographies

Luis Miguel Guamaní-Pallo , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Bachelor of Science in Education, Major in Basic Education - Electromechanical Technologist with six years of experience in teaching in secondary education and technical high school in various areas of knowledge such as mathematics, social sciences, natural sciences, language and literature, machining and metal constructions, basic electricity. He also has extensive knowledge in the technical area. 

María Martina Choloquinga-Choloquinga , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Veterinarian Zootechnician with three years of experience in teaching in secondary education and technical high school in various areas of knowledge such as biology, social sciences, natural sciences, Kichwa, training module of minor species, major species. In addition, she has extensive knowledge in the area of ​​veterinary medicine. 

Rosa Roxana Chiquito-Chilan , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Ph.D in Pedagogical Sciences with 10 years of teaching experience in various areas of knowledge such as pedagogy, administration and entrepreneurship. He has published several articles in scientific journals and has participated in interdisciplinary research projects that have contributed significantly to the advancement of knowledge in his field. 


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