Strategic Alliances and Cooperation Agreements of the Fire Departments of Morona Santiago Province in Ecuador

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Darwin Javier Vargas-Ríos
Alvaro Rivera-Guerrero
Alejandro Reigosa-Lara


The research addresses the issue of insufficient resources and the lack of coordination among the fire departments in the province, which affects their operational capacity and emergency response. The study is framed within the need to strengthen these capacities through strategic alliances and cooperation agreements with various entities, both national and international. The methodology employed in this study is a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative and quantitative analyses. The qualitative component includes semi-structured interviews with key members of the fire departments, while the quantitative component is based on surveys applied to a representative sample of firefighters from the province. These tools allow for an understanding of the perceptions, experiences, and challenges related to strategic alliances and cooperation agreements. The research findings highlight the general perception that these alliances are crucial for improving the efficiency and response capacity of the fire departments. However, significant challenges, such as legal restrictions and a lack of resources, were also identified, which limit the positive impact of these collaborations. Despite these obstacles, the majority of participants recognize the benefits of the alliances, particularly in terms of training and access to equipment, but emphasize the need to improve planning and coordination to maximize their effectiveness. This study provides a detailed analysis and offers practical recommendations to strengthen strategic alliances in the fire departments, thereby contributing to the improvement of resilience and safety in the province of Morona Santiago.


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How to Cite
Vargas-Ríos , D., Rivera-Guerrero , A. ., & Reigosa-Lara , A. . (2024). Strategic Alliances and Cooperation Agreements of the Fire Departments of Morona Santiago Province in Ecuador. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(6), 626-643.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Darwin Javier Vargas-Ríos , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

I have dedicated my life to the noble profession of firefighter, where I have found the opportunity to serve my community and protect people's lives and property in emergency situations. Since January 2010, I have had the honor of serving as Firefighter 4th in the Fire Department of Canton Morona, accumulating more than 14 years of experience in this valuable public service. Throughout my career, I have developed a wide range of skills, both in emergency operations and in administrative management.

My academic training includes a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration, obtained at the Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica, which has given me a strategic vision and has allowed me to apply theoretical knowledge in practice, optimizing internal processes and contributing to the continuous improvement of our institution.

Currently, I am pursuing a Master's Degree in Business Administration and Management at the Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador, with the firm purpose of strengthening my skills and taking on new challenges in the field of public management, always with the goal of improving the service we provide to the community.

Alvaro Rivera-Guerrero , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador / Instituto Superior tecnológico Vicente Rocafuerte - Ecuador  

Teacher since 2010 and higher education instructor since 2013, Ecuadorian, 44 years old, married with 2 children. I have experience in the areas of accounting, research, auditing, finance, administration, organizational development, and strategic planning. I have been a tutor in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Guayaquil (UG) and am currently at the Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador (UBE). I am committed to achieving my goals with discipline, humility, and teamwork. 

Alejandro Reigosa-Lara , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador  

Cuban nationality, residing since 2018. Currently, I work at the Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador since 2023, and in 2019, I worked at the Instituto Tecnológico Bolivariano as a teaching researcher. 


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