The impact of the use of TIC and teaching-learning strategies on the professional development of teachers at the Pablo Neruda Educational Unit

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Kateryn Lisbeth Caillagua-Tayo
Glenda Pilar Jácome-López
Odette Martínez-Pérez


This study investigates how Information and Communication Technologies (TIC) and teaching-learning strategies promote the professional development of teachers at the Pablo Neruda Educational Unit, focusing on how teachers integrate TIC to improve their educational practice by adapting them to the curriculum and the social context.

TIC has transformed the educational dynamic by expanding learning spaces, improving communication between teachers and students, promoting social inclusion and facilitating equitable access to educational content, to promote the development of multiple skills in students.

The study has a mixed approach, combining quantitative and qualitative methods, for the analysis of data collected through surveys and interviews that were conducted with the teaching staff, on how they adapt to TIC, both the benefits and challenges of its implementation and the contribution to their professional development.

The results indicate that, although teachers frequently use TIC in their educational practices, they face significant challenges such as limited technological infrastructure and lack of ongoing training. These limitations affect the effectiveness of technological integration, highlighting the need to improve technological resources and offer ongoing training that promotes professional development.

It is concluded that the effective integration of TIC and innovative pedagogical strategies is essential for the professional development of teachers, promoting educational innovation and improving educational quality at the Pablo Neruda Educational Unit.


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How to Cite
Caillagua-Tayo, K., Jácome-López, G., & Martínez-Pérez, O. . (2024). The impact of the use of TIC and teaching-learning strategies on the professional development of teachers at the Pablo Neruda Educational Unit. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(6), 424-437.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Kateryn Lisbeth Caillagua-Tayo, Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Agricultural engineer with work experience in the area of ​​agronomy and in providing training. His research has focused on the impact of Information and Communication Technologies (TIC) on the professional development of teachers.

Glenda Pilar Jácome-López, Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Master in Higher Education, experience in higher education teaching at institutions such as Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral and Universidad Estatal de Milagro. Research focused on the following lines of research: professional development of teachers and didactics of curricular subjects and pedagogical practice.

Odette Martínez-Pérez, Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Ph.D. Legal Sciences, Mg. In Education with a mention in digital environments, Ms.C. Constitutional and Administrative Law. Speaker at national and international events and authors of articles, books and book chapters.


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