Quizizz gamification tool in the academic performance of high school students academic performance of high school students
Main Article Content
Gamification is a learning technique that transfers the operation of games to the professional educational field in order to achieve better results, either to better achieve some knowledge, optimize some skill, or reward precise actions. This study focuses on the gamification of the teaching-learning process, through the implementation of Quizizz, an online educational platform, and its influence on the performance of High school students in the professional figure of Accounting Technician in the Chongón Educational Unit of Ecuador. The objective was to evaluate the impact of the implementation of Quizizz on the academic performance of students in the subject of Accounting and Tax Packages. The research had a quantitative approach, of the type of research by pre-experimental design; for its explanatory scope, for its obtaining of field and longitudinal section data. The study was carried out in the analysis period corresponding to the academic year 2023-2024. Theoretical methods such as historical-logical analysis, induction-deduction and analysis-synthesis were used. In addition, empirical methods such as document review, survey, interview, statistical-mathematical methods for information processing, as well as methodological triangulation and pre-experimental. The importance of gamification was recognized as a way to acquire meaningful learning and the development of cognitive and socio-affective components in students. It is concluded that gamification, through the Quizizz tool, is an innovative strategy that mixes the elements of the game so that students internalize knowledge and live the teaching-learning process as a pleasant experience. The inclusion of gamification in Accounting and Tax Package classes is recommended as it positively influences the learning and academic performance of students of the Technical Baccalaureate in Accounting in Ecuador.
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