Analysis of Study Habits in 12-Year-Old Students at Victoria Vascones Cuvi – Simón Bolívar - Elvira Ortega Educational Unit

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Fátima Araceli Cofre-Tipanluisa
Klever Geovanny Lema-Villalba
Laura Inés Criollo-Barrera
Rocío Angélica Coba-Murillo


This research deals with the analysis of study habits in 12-year-old students of the Victoria Vásconez Cuvi - Simón Bolívar - Elvira Ortega Educational Unit, using the Study Skills and Habits Questionnaire based on the Brown and Holtzman Survey, the study habits of a group of students were evaluated to identify areas for improvement and to develop psycho-pedagogical strategies. The methodology used is a non-experimental, cross-sectional study, with participants of 15 students of the mentioned institution. The most relevant results are that 80% of the students do not have adequate study habits, 20% have some study habits and none have good study habits. In addition, we found that these study habits vary according to gender and are significantly influenced by age. Girls, in general, seem to have a greater predisposition to follow study routines, although all students face common challenges such as technological distractions and academic pressure. The results highlight the urgent need to implement strategies that promote the creation of study habits from an early age. It is important that both parents and educators work together to establish appropriate study environments, encouraging the organization of time and space and teaching effective study techniques. This will not only help to improve children's academic performance, but it will also help to improve their learning.


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How to Cite
Cofre-Tipanluisa , F. ., Lema-Villalba , K. ., Criollo-Barrera , L. ., & Coba-Murillo , R. . (2024). Analysis of Study Habits in 12-Year-Old Students at Victoria Vascones Cuvi – Simón Bolívar - Elvira Ortega Educational Unit. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(4-1), 130-141.
Author Biographies

Fátima Araceli Cofre-Tipanluisa , Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

My name is Fátima Araceli Cofre Tipanluisa. I live in the city of Latacunga, Ecuador, and I am a student at the Technical University of Ambato, majoring in Psychopedagogy. I am trained to design and implement intervention strategies to support students with difficulties and to provide guidance and support to students, their families, and educators. I always strive to establish empathetic and trusting relationships with the students. 

Klever Geovanny Lema-Villalba , Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

I am Klever Geovanny Lema Villalba, I completed my studies at the Technical University of Ambato, in the Faculty of Human Sciences and Education, my fourth level is, Mg. In Sports Management and Administration, I am also a specialist in contact sports, in the workplace I am a high school teacher at U.E Arupos and a teacher at the Technical University of Ambato. Teaching researcher. 

Laura Inés Criollo-Barrera , Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

I am Laura Ines Criollo Barrera. I completed my studies at the Technical University of Ambato, within the Faculty of Human Sciences and Education, specializing in Educational Psychology and Vocational Guidance. I hold a Master's degree in Psychopedagogy and an MSc in Educational Neuropsychology. Professionally, I have served as a UDAI analyst in multiple districts of Zone 3 and as a faculty member at the Technical University of Ambato. Additionally, I have undertaken roles as a research professor. 

Rocío Angélica Coba-Murillo , Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Psicóloga Educativa y Orientadora Vocacional, Lcda. en Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación mención Educación Básica, Magister en Diseño Curricular y Evaluación Educativa por la Universidad Técnica de Ambato, Docente Investigador Universidad Técnica de Ambato,  Docente de la Carrera de Psicología Educativa e Industrial y Carrera de Docencia Informática, Docente de la carrera de Educación Básica Semi presencial UTA, Docente en Unidades Educativas , Psicóloga Educativa DECE, Analista en el Proyecto Mis Mejores Años MIES.


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