Assessment of service quality through the ACSI model: vehicle registration unit case in Ambato-Ecuador

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Sandy Macarena Gancino-Vergara
Eugenia Mercedes Chasillacta-Amores
Daysi Lucía Viteri-Arias


This article shows the results of the evaluation of the quality of the service through the use of the American Consumer Satisfaction Model Index (ACSI) in a Public Vehicle Registration Unit. The dimensions evaluated were: expectations, perceived value, perceived quality, satisfaction, loyalty and claims. The methodology is configured by bibliographic analysis, field research in which 379 users of enrollment services participated, and data processing through a confirmatory factor analysis. A questionnaire of 16 questions was used which had a Cronbach's Alpha of 0.903, the inferential statistical analysis was carried out using Pearson's correlations and linear regression. The most outstanding results showed a negative trend that derives from a higher probability of claims, in addition to a higher correlation directed to the results expressed through customer complaints with a Pearson correlation value of 0.681 and a p value of 0.000, therefore which the failures in the service generation processes lead to lower levels of satisfaction, which showed that the quality of the services depends on the actions that are carried out to fulfill beyond the expectations of the clients.


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How to Cite
Gancino, M., Chasillacta, E., & Viteri, D. (2020). Assessment of service quality through the ACSI model: vehicle registration unit case in Ambato-Ecuador. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 5(6-1), 95-104.
Author Biographies

Sandy Macarena Gancino-Vergara, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

My professional training includes a master's degree in public administration at the Technical University of Ambato. I have an engineering degree in foreign trade from the Higher Polytechnic School of Chimborazo. In the professional field, I have forged a broad path in the Public sector, both in the Illustrious Municipality of Ambato and in the Secretary of Sports, in addition to other institutions that gave me the necessary expertise to meet the needs of the general public. Both my academic and professional training has allowed me to get involved in the world of research with the aim of responding to the needs presented, thus contributing to the development of a competitive environment.

Eugenia Mercedes Chasillacta-Amores, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Commercial Engineer of the Army Polytechnic School, Higher Diploma in the Private Technical University of Loja. She has served in the private sphere as administrator of companies dedicated to the provision of medical services, as well as adviser in the accounting-tax field and in the public sector, in institutions such as Ecuadorian Air Force (Clínica FAE Latacunga , Technical School of the Air Force, Education Unit FAE N° 5, Special Presidential Air Transport Group), Cotopaxi Public Mobility Company Ministry of Education, National Council for Equality of Peoples and Nationalities in the Administrative and Financial areas.

Daysi Lucía Viteri-Arias, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador


Degree in Accounting and Auditing - CPA, Financial Analyst of the Municipal GAD of the Cantón Salcedo.


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