Principles of governance applied to the procurement of property insurance in the public sector in the years 2018-2023. Unit of study: ministry of labor

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Clara Esther Villacrés-Gavilanes
Marisol Isabel Bermeo-Valencia


This study focused on analyzing how governance influences the process of contracting property insurance from the principle of transparency in the period 2018-2023. Taking the Ministry of Labor as the unit of study, the contextualization of the problem reveals a set of challenges linked to the change in the insurance contracting process in the Ecuadorian public sector, specifically the evolution of contracting procedures. The specific objectives focused on describing the detailed policies and procedures that regulate this contracting, as well as interpreting the bidding processes in terms of transparency. The methodology was qualitative, based on semi-structured interviews with officials of the Ministry of Labor and representatives of two main insurance companies. The content analysis technique made it possible to synthesize the perspectives gathered and the data from the official documents. The results indicated savings for the State due to lower insurance premiums following the implementation of insurance tenders, reflecting a more competitive and transparent system. The research highlights the success of reforms in insurance procurement, evidencing a more strategic and efficient use of public resources, with recommendations for further improving governance and procurement policies in the sector.


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How to Cite
Villacrés-Gavilanes , C. ., & Bermeo-Valencia, M. (2024). Principles of governance applied to the procurement of property insurance in the public sector in the years 2018-2023. Unit of study: ministry of labor . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(5), 70-85.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Clara Esther Villacrés-Gavilanes , Pontificia Universidad Católica de Ecuador sede Manabí - Ecuador 

Clara Villacrés Gavilanes was born in the city of Ambato and resides in Quito, Ecuador. She graduated from the Master's Degree in Public Administration at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Manabí campus, and has a degree in Accounting and Auditing (CPA). Currently, she works as a Senior Analyst of Administrative Services at the Ministry of Labor, specialized in contracting general insurance for the State. His work experience has been crucial in analyzing how governance influences the property insurance contracting process, promoting transparency during the period 2018-2023. During this period, he played a key role in managing procurement and executing contracts. 

Marisol Isabel Bermeo-Valencia, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Ecuador sede Manabí - Ecuador

Master of Business Administration, Braniff School of Business, University of Dallas, Irving, Texas, U.S., Business Engineer with a major in Administration, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, is pursuing the Doctorate in Education (PhD) at Universidad Nacional del Rosario, Argentina. She has published indexed articles, is the author and co-author of books. He has more than 20 years of experience focused on the development of social impact projects, holding executive positions, directing institutional audit processes, in public and private institutions, national and international organizations. Professor in several Chairs: Leadership and negotiation, Strategic Planning, Business Administration. Processes, Design and Organizational Change, Public ethics and transparency, among others. 


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