Educational diplomacy and its impact on foreign policy: Analysis of strategies and international exchange programs

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Yamileth Andrea Arteaga-Alcívar
Paola Alejandra Espinosa-Cevallos


The general objective of this study was to analyze educational diplomacy and its impact on foreign policy, with a particular focus on international exchange strategies and programs. The methodology used included an exhaustive review of the specialized literature on the subject, with a comparative analysis of different countries and international organizations. The main results show that educational diplomacy has become an increasingly important instrument in countries' foreign policy, with a wide range of programmes and strategies aimed at promoting international academic and cultural cooperation. Among the most outstanding programmes are the Erasmus+ Programme, the UEx_QUERCUS+ Programme, and the "talent opportunity" Scholarship Programme, which offer students the opportunity for academic exchanges, practices and other training activities in universities around the world. Educational diplomacy aims to boost job prospects and personal development, in addition to helping education systems, training and youth to provide teaching and learning that equips people with the skills necessary for the labour market and the current and future society. The results also show that educational diplomacy can contribute to the promotion of intercultural understanding, the promotion of peace and international cooperation, and the development of key skills and competences for the 21st century.


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How to Cite
Arteaga-Alcívar, Y., & Espinosa-Cevallos, P. . (2024). Educational diplomacy and its impact on foreign policy: Analysis of strategies and international exchange programs. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(6), 183-191.
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Author Biographies

Yamileth Andrea Arteaga-Alcívar , Instituto Superior Universitario Japón - Ecuador

Yamileth Andrea Arteaga Alcívar holds a Master’s degree in International Relations and Diplomacy with a Foreign Policy Specialization from the Institute of High National Studies (IAEN) and a Master’s degree in Public Policies from FLACSO-Ecuador. He holds a degree in Governance and Territoriality in Sectional Organizations from the Central University of Ecuador. She has served as Coordinator of the Research and Innovation Unit and Lecturer at the International Institute of Higher Technology (ITI), and is currently a Research Lecturer at the Japan University Institute of Higher Education. His research areas include educational technology, education, public policy and international relations. He has published extensively in indexed journals on topics such as ICT in education, the impact of social media on students and migration policies. Arteaga has presented his research at international conferences in countries such as Italy, Colombia, Chile and Spain. She is co-author of the chapter "Multipolarism and the emerging role of China in its political, economic and transnational ties with Argentina and Brazil: a comparative analysis in the period 2020-2023" in the book "SOUTH AMERICA. A region of light and dark. Foreign policy, diplomacy and current problems", published in Rosario, Argentina. His experience includes the management of research projects and participation as a jury in scientific competitions. Arteaga is a researcher with growing academic impact: according to Google Scholar, her publications have received 270 citations (269 since 2019), with an h-index of 9 and an i10-index of 9, indicating that at least 9 of her articles have been cited 9 or more times each.

Paola Alejandra Espinosa-Cevallos, Instituto Superior Universitario Cordillera - Ecuador

Paola Alejandra Espinosa Cevallos is an Ecuadorian educator and researcher with a strong academic background in the field of education. She obtained her bachelor's degree in Early Childhood Education, followed by a Higher Diploma in Socio-educational Research, a Specialization in Curriculum Design, and a Master's degree in Education from Universidad Tecnológica América. Currently, she serves as a faculty member at Instituto Superior Universitario Cordillera and Instituto Superior Tecnológico Japón in Quito, Ecuador. Her research experience is noteworthy, having published numerous articles in scientific journals on various educational topics, including the use of ICT in teaching, inclusion strategies, development of digital competencies, and the influence of music on child behavior. Her investigative work encompasses areas such as early childhood education, educational technology, child psychology, and innovative teaching methodologies.


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