Digital education in the C-learning educational modality

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Paola Alejandra Espinosa-Cevallos
Paulina Del Carmen Jaramillo-Flores


Digital education and cloud learning (C-learning) are transforming the current educational landscape. This systematic literature review examines the concept of C-learning and its applications in digital education. The overall objective was to review cloud learning and its uses in digital education. An exhaustive search was carried out in databases such as ACM Digital Library, IEEE eXplorer, Science Direct Elsevier, Scopus, Google Scholar and Springer Link, identifying 43 documents, of which 21 were selected that met the established criteria. C-learning is based on cloud computing and emphasizes student-centered resource sharing and collaboration to create personalized learning environments. The main trends identified include student-centered learning, customization of learning, reduction of cognitive load through cloud storage, new models of organizing educational resources, and improved collaboration. It is determined that C-learning offers significant opportunities to improve the quality and accessibility of education, allowing overcoming space and time barriers. However, its effective implementation requires addressing challenges such as equity in access, teacher training and the adaptation of students to this new educational paradigm. Technology in itself does not guarantee better learning, but rather facilitates methodologies and tools that stimulate progress in the educational process in an increasingly multichannel and personalized environment.


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How to Cite
Espinosa-Cevallos, P., & Jaramillo-Flores, P. . (2024). Digital education in the C-learning educational modality. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(6), 140-156.
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Author Biographies

Paola Alejandra Espinosa-Cevallos, Instituto Superior Universitario Cordillera - Ecuador

Paola Alejandra Espinosa Cevallos is an Ecuadorian educator and researcher with a strong academic background in the field of education. She obtained her bachelor's degree in Early Childhood Education, followed by a Higher Diploma in Socio-educational Research, a Specialization in Curriculum Design, and a Master's degree in Education from Universidad Tecnológica América. Currently, she serves as a faculty member at Instituto Superior Universitario Cordillera and Instituto Superior Tecnológico Japón in Quito, Ecuador. Her research experience is noteworthy, having published numerous articles in scientific journals on various educational topics, including the use of ICT in teaching, inclusion strategies, development of digital competencies, and the influence of music on child behavior. Her investigative work encompasses areas such as early childhood education, educational technology, child psychology, and innovative teaching methodologies.

Paulina Del Carmen Jaramillo-Flores, Instituto Superior Universitario Japón - Ecuador

Computer Engineer with a major in Software Development with more than 20 years of experience in the implementation of IT solutions, 10 years of experience as a higher education teacher and 2 years as a research professor with 7 articles published to date with affiliation with the Japan Higher University Institute.


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