Continuous Pedagogical Model in Virtual Education: Students' Experiences in Learning English

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Claudio Federico Malo-Toledo
Jaime Roberto Pizarro-Velastegui
Luis Humberto Bermudes-Rugel
Maritza Elizabeth García-Arana


This paper focuses on determining the experiences of the students in the first year of the Pedagogy of National and Foreign Languages degree program, at the University of Guayaquil, regarding the use of the PACIE methodology and English language learning during the virtual education period 2022-2023. Modality adopted by the university due to the outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which caused the closure of face-to-face classes. The investigation is based on a mixed approach, accompanied by the inductive-deductive and the analysis and synthesis methods. The survey technique with its respective instrument, the questionnaire, was used to obtain data. The analysis of the results shows that the experiences of the students have been satisfactory in the use of the PACIE methodology for learning English as a foreign language. In summary, the aforementioned methodology, until now, substantially responds to the educational requirements and the dynamics of the current system. 


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How to Cite
Malo-Toledo, C. ., Pizarro-Velastegui, J., Bermudes-Rugel, L. ., & García-Arana, M. . (2024). Continuous Pedagogical Model in Virtual Education: Students’ Experiences in Learning English. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(4), 773-780.
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Author Biographies

Claudio Federico Malo-Toledo, Universidad de Guayaquil - Ecuador

An educator with a bachelor's degree in Education Sciences, specialty in English. He holds two master's degrees, one in Basic Education from the University of Milagro and another in Teaching English as a Foreign Language from the Escuela Politecnica del Litoral ESPOL. Currently, he is a doctoral candidate in Linguistics and Languages at UNR, Rosario Argentina. He has worked for the Ministry of Education and participated on various projects, gaining experience with students from elementary to high school. He currently works at the University of Guayaquil as a professor in the Pedagogy of National and Foreign Languages program.

Jaime Roberto Pizarro-Velastegui, Universidad de Guayaquil - Ecuador

MSc. Jaime Pizarro has a degree in Educational Sciences and a master's in TEFL from ESPOL. Additionally, he has professional development studies from Cambridge University, such as ICELT and Train the Trainer, primarily related to teaching English, planning, and teacher training. He is an educator with experience as an English director, academic coordinator, and teacher in the Pedagogy of National and Foreign Languages university program at the University of Guayaquil. In addition, he is a teacher of the master's degree (M. TEFL) at ESPOL and an examiner of Cambridge international exams. Furthermore, he has taught at universities such as ESPOL, the University of Guayaquil, and Politécnica Saleciana.

Luis Humberto Bermudes-Rugel, Universidad de Guayaquil - Ecuador

He is an English teacher and he has worked in some of the most important universities in Guayaquil such as the Catholic University of Guayaquil, ESPOL, and the Casa Grande University in addition to the University of Guayaquil, which is his current affiliation. He has a master's degree in TEFL (Teaching English as a foreign language) and he is the author of fiction and non-fiction books in English and Spanish.

Maritza Elizabeth García-Arana, Universidad de Guayaquil - Ecuador

Secondary Education teacher and Bachelor of Education Sciences, specializing in Language, English Literature, and Linguistics. She has worked in different higher education institutions such as the Catholic University, Vicente Rocafuerte Laica University, ESPOL, and the University of Guayaquil, where she currently works as a teacher in the Pedagogy of National and Foreign Languages university program. Additionally, she is a certified English teacher to adults by the University of Cambridge (CELTA). She also holds a Master's degree in Teaching English as a Foreign Language from the Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral.


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