The Influence of Flipgrid App on the Enhancement Oral Skills In Terms Of Accessibility, Performance Impact, Adaptability, And the Perception by A2 Level Students Regarding Its Use for Educative Purposes

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Jaime Roberto Pizarro-Velastegui
Marco Vinicio Orellana-Roman


This research article delves into the impact of Flipgrid, a digital application, on students' oral proficiency and overall learning outcomes in EFL settings. Through a thorough analysis of existing research, including studies by Amirulloh, Damayanti, & Citraningrum (2021), Syahrizal & Pamungkas (2021), and Difilippantonio-Pen (2020), this work evaluates Flipgrid's effectiveness, benefits, challenges, and overall influence on oral communication skills. It also investigates students' perceptions and attitudes towards Flipgrid, drawing insights from Lainez's (2022) study at Universidad Estatal de la Península de Santa Elena in Ecuador, to provide a comprehensive and inclusive overview of Flipgrid's role in enhancing oral skills for A2 level students for educative purposes.


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How to Cite
Pizarro-Velastegui, J., & Orellana-Roman, M. . (2024). The Influence of Flipgrid App on the Enhancement Oral Skills In Terms Of Accessibility, Performance Impact, Adaptability, And the Perception by A2 Level Students Regarding Its Use for Educative Purposes. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(4), 756-772.
Artículos de revisión
Author Biographies

Jaime Roberto Pizarro-Velastegui, Universidad de Guayaquil - Ecuador

MSc. Jaime Pizarro has a degree in Educational Sciences and a master's in TEFL from ESPOL. Additionally, he has professional development studies from Cambridge University, such as ICELT and Train the Trainer, primarily related to teaching English, planning, and teacher training. He is an educator with experience as an English director, academic coordinator, and teacher in the Pedagogy of National and Foreign Languages university program at the University of Guayaquil. In addition, he is a teacher of the master's degree (M. TEFL) at ESPOL and an examiner of Cambridge international exams. Furthermore, he has taught at universities such as ESPOL, the University of Guayaquil, Politécnica Saleciana.

Marco Vinicio Orellana-Roman, Universidad de Guayaquil - Ecuador

MASTER IN MTEFL (Master in Teaching English as a Foreign Language). International Ibero-American University/Puerto Rico. LA FILANTRÓPICA Academic Award and CONTENTA Academic Award in 2015. University professor of English at ESPOL 2004-2007 (Fundespol) and (CELEX). 2009- 2017. Technical English Teacher at the Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Guayaquil in 2017-2018. Professor of English at the School of Language and Linguistics, University of Guayaquil, 2009- 2012. Various seminars: Flipped Classroom Approach; Measurement and Evaluation of Learning; Micro Curriculum Planning; Meso Curriculum Planning; Learning Methodology for Higher Education; Epistemological Foundations of Teaching and Research; Use of Online Techniques for Dynamics in Classes; among others.


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