Salary compensation and job satisfaction of officials in rural parish Autonomous Decentralized Governments Ambato canton

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Cristhian Oswaldo Castillo-Solano
Karen Lisseth Goya Anchundia
Karla Priscila Romero-Andrade
Yolanda Monserrath Tipan-Torres


The current economic situation faced by decentralized autonomous governments, prevents them from targeting the design and application of more competitive compensation models that allow job satisfaction for their officials. The objective of this research was to analyze how salary compensation affects job satisfaction of the officials of the Autonomous Decentralized Parish Rural Governments of Ambato canton. The methodological design is descriptive with a qualitative, non-experimental and transversal approach. For the analysis of salary compensation, a psychometric test called the Salary Well-Being Scale was applied and to measure job satisfaction the SL-SPC Job Satisfaction Scale instrument. The questionnaires were applied to 90 workers from the 18 rural parishes of the city. According to the results, it was determined that salary compensation and job satisfaction are two variables that directly affect the performance of employees, as well as their feelings of personal and professional fulfillment. Both are considered as a key point for people to feel motivated and contribute with their best effort in the performance of their assigned functions, providing better service and timely assistance. Therefore, in conclusion, these findings are important for senior managers to contemplate the design of strategies that favor salary compensation and therefore job satisfaction is favorable in the institutions.


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How to Cite
Castillo, C., Goya, K., Romero, K., & Tipán, Y. (2020). Salary compensation and job satisfaction of officials in rural parish Autonomous Decentralized Governments Ambato canton. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 5(6-1), 59-70.
Author Biographies

Cristhian Oswaldo Castillo-Solano, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Marketing and Business Management Engineer with work experience in the area of: Planning, Marketing, Administration, Human Talent in processes of Preparation of micro-business Projects, Political Marketing, Recruitment and Selection of Personnel, Performance Evaluation, etc. Currently, a student of the Master in Human Talent Management, serving as District Head of Human Talent of the District Directorate 02D02 Chillanes Education.

Karen Lisseth Goya Anchundia, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Commercial Engineer with work experience in the area of ​​Human Talent in Recruitment and Personnel Selection processes, Performance Evaluation, payment of Compensations and Payroll. Currently, I am a student of the Master in Human Talent Management, working as a Payroll Analyst at Frugalp Agrícola Exportardora Cía. Ltda.

Karla Priscila Romero-Andrade, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Responsible for advice, coaching, training, inspiration, guidance and support, aimed at applicants / directors, which enable both the fulfillment of their objectives and the development of the skills and abilities necessary for the management of their business networks and mobilization on the ladder of success; in accordance with Yanbal's policies, strategies and objectives. Studying a Master in Human Talent Management at the Technical University of Ambato, with the aim of putting it at the service of the community.

Yolanda Monserrath Tipan-Torres, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Institutional Political Analyst in High Impact Studies such as Development Plans and Territorial Planning in G-PLAN Planning and Management, Marketing Engineering and Business Management, specializing in Master in Management of Human Talent at the Technical University of Ambato, Extensive experience in elaboration, direction, and monitoring of projects and commercial advice.


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