ChatGPT as a pedagogical tool in the Project Based Learning methology

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Maria Beatriz Cajo-Torres
Sonia Alexandra Ochoa-Icaza
María Gabriela Marín-Figuera
Xavier Oswaldo Yánez-Cando


The emergence of artificial intelligence is an opportunity to improve learning processes, especially in a world where information is increasing every day, and tools are required that favor its processing and pedagogical use. Consequently, the objective of this research is to analyze the incidence of the use of ChatGPT as a pedagogical tool through the Project Based Learning methodology. The study was carried out based on a quasi-experimental research design, which evaluated the performance of a learning activity of the subject of Entrepreneurship and Management, for which two groups were formed, one of which was an experiment that used ChatGPT for the development of the activity, and another control, which carried out the activity in a traditional way without the use of technology. The sample was non-probabilistic of a conventional type, corresponding to 80 tertiary high school students. According to the results obtained, the effectiveness of the use of ChatGPT as a pedagogical tool in the context of Project Based Learning is significantly visualized. The experiment group, which used ChatGPT for the development of the learning activity in the Entrepreneurship and Management subject, exhibited noticeably higher performance in each of the indicators studied compared to the control group, concluding that the use of technology provides valuable perspectives to improve teaching strategies in the field of Entrepreneurship and Management.


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How to Cite
Cajo-Torres , M. ., Ochoa-Icaza, S., Marín-Figuera , M. ., & Yánez Cando, X. O. . (2024). ChatGPT as a pedagogical tool in the Project Based Learning methology. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(4), 197-209.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Maria Beatriz Cajo-Torres , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Mastering at the Bolivarian University of Ecuador. Degree in marketing.

Multipurpose Technician in Accounting and Administration. Trainer of Trainers Certification. Teaching experience since 2022.

Published articles: “Incidence of content marketing on the behavior of millennial consumers in Machala supermarkets” and “Analysis of cooperative marketing as a strategy in the internationalization of associations.”

Sonia Alexandra Ochoa-Icaza, Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Mastering at the Bolivarian University of Ecuador. Engineer in Public Administration, Experience in Teaching since 2017.

María Gabriela Marín-Figuera , Centro de Investigación Popular Venezolano - Venezuela

Bachelor's degree in Philosophy from the Pontifical Salesian University (Rome) and a Bachelor's degree in Education with a specialization in Philosophy from the Andrés Bello Catholic University (Caracas). Holds a Master's degree in Higher Education, a Doctorate in Education from the Experimental Pedagogical University Libertador (Maracay), and a Postdoctorate in Social Sciences from the Central University of Venezuela (Caracas). Specializes in qualitative research, ethnography, life history, and biographical method, with 30 years of experience in sociocultural, socioanthropological, violence, politics, and education areas in Venezuela. Member of the Popular Research Center founded by Alejandro Moreno Olmedo. Over 20 years of experience as a teacher in Higher Education.

Xavier Oswaldo Yánez-Cando , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

My name is Xavier Yánez Cando, I am currently 46 years old, I was born in 1978 in Guayaquil – Ecuador.

I am a Pedagogical Technologist in Computer Science. Secondary Education Teacher with Specialization in Computer Science. Graduate in Educational Sciences with a mention in Computer Science.

Master in Education with a mention in Educational Technology and Innovation.

With more than 20 years in teaching at school, college, undergraduate and graduate level.


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