Public policies focusing on violence against women within the parishes that comprise CON-AGOPARE- Tungurahua

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Anita Dalila Espín-Miniguano
Viviana Fidencia Naranjo-Ruiz
Carlos Federico Iglesias-Constante


The purpose of this academic work is to analyze the compliance of public policies focusing on violence against women in the parishes that make up the National Council of Rural Parish Governments of Ecuador - Tungurahua (CONAGOPARE). It aims to determine if adequate measures are being implemented to address cases of gender-based violence within each parish. Information was gathered through field research and analysis of existing public policies, with the aim of promoting a culture of peace and safety for women in these communities. The results show that 49% of the population experiences violence in their homes, with areas such as Santa Rosa, Pinllo, and Río Negro having the highest rates, partly attributed to a lack of information about the reporting processes. Despite these challenges, local authorities are committed to promoting harmony and community participation in initiatives aimed at preventing violence against women. It is concluded that there is a need to intensify actions and improve coordination between authorities and the community to strengthen public policies and promote a culture of respect towards women in these rural communities


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How to Cite
Espín-Miniguano , A. ., Naranjo-Ruiz , V. ., & Iglesias-Constante , C. . (2024). Public policies focusing on violence against women within the parishes that comprise CON-AGOPARE- Tungurahua. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(4), 63-71.
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Author Biographies

Anita Dalila Espín-Miniguano , Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Anita Dalila Espín Miniguano is a  professional in Education with a broad academic background. She holds a Doctorate in Education Sciences with a specialization in Research and Educational Planning, as well as a Bachelor's degree in Education Sciences with a focus on Biology and Chemistry. Additionally, she has a Master's degree in Teaching and Curriculum for Higher Education from the Technical University of Ambato and is currently pursuing a Master's degree in Social Sciences with an emphasis on Research for Social Development at Laica University "Eloy Alfaro" of Manabí. Her research skills have been recognized with a Doctorate in Education Sciences from the University of Rosario in Argentina. 

In her current teaching role, she stands out as a professor in the Social Work program at the Faculty of Jurisprudence and Social Sciences of the Technical University of Ambato. Her experience includes coordinating and executing research projects in the educational and social fields, demonstrating her commitment to advancing knowledge and its practical application in society. 

Viviana Fidencia Naranjo-Ruiz , Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Viviana Fidencia Naranjo Ruiz professional in Social Work, with a specialty in Mediation, Arbitration and Conflict Resolution, with 19 years of experience in university teaching in the Social Work career. With experiences as a consultant for social projects and community work, addiction management, work with older adults. 

    She has been the Academic Administrative Director of two Master's Degrees in Social Work. 

Carlos Federico Iglesias-Constante , Unidad Educativa Juan Benigno Vela - Ecuador

Carlos Federico Iglesias Constante is an educational professional with a degree in Computer Technology, a higher technician in systems programming, a bachelor's degree in education with a specialization in physical culture, and a master's degree in technologies for management and teaching practice. 

With 25 years of experience as a teacher, focusing on computer science education at Bolivar Educational Unit; currently serving as a vice-inspector at Juan Benigno Vela Educational Unit. 


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