E-commerce: the opportunity for digital entrepreneurship from scratch
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The new forms of consumption, together with the growth of the population that surfs the Internet, the greater security of online payment systems and the wide range of businesses that operate online, have offered new opportunities for e-commerce This has allowed new entrepreneurs to make their dream come true and join this type of environment of buying and selling goods and services that is very little explored by small entrepreneurs. In recent years, those who are most advanced in this exploration have been surprised by the advantages offered by digital entrepreneurship to start a business from scratch. Due to the novelty of the topic, this article aims to describe step by step the creation of an online business, considering the current trends in e-commerce and the digital strategies that are carried out. To achieve this purpose, a qualitative approach is used, based on the documentary bibliographic method. It is concluded that the new trends of digital entrepreneurship are linked to the personalization of their products, according to the traits, desires, characteristics, interests and needs of consumers. Entrepreneurs need to constantly know how and why the needs of consumers are changing, and from there be able to make the necessary decisions to determine which products or services should be focused, how to differentiate themselves from the competition, how to reach a specific audience, select communication channels to connect with customers, etc. and finally, develop the marketing plan.
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