Flipped classroom to develop practical skills in the Programming and Databases subject

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Carmen Margarita Zambrano-Márquez
Walter Paul Tenecota-Goya
John Fernando Granados-Romero
Ramón Guzmán-Hernández


The following study focuses on evaluating the implementation of the Flipped classroom to develop practical skills in teaching the subject programming and databases. Based on a methodology with a quantitative approach and a basic theoretical, descriptive, transversal and non-experimental design, supported by a quantitative design, through the selection of the sample in a non-probabilistic manner, made up of (30) first-year students. high school of the Fiscal Educational Unit “Huancavilca” in the technical figure of Computer Science, for the academic period 2023-2024, as data collection instruments, a survey was used applied to the students composed of 10 closed questions with simple selection using the Likert scale. , to collect quantitative data on students' perceptions of the use of Flipped Classroom; Likewise, an interview was applied to the teachers which contains a questionnaire with three questions related to this educational tool and how it influences student learning; Likewise, an interview was applied to the teachers to know their point of view on this flipped classroom methodology. In conclusion, the results show a positive perception of the students, who experience an increase in participation, understanding and the development of practical skills. The Flipped Classroom methodology is considered beneficial for improving academic performance and critical thinking, allowing for more autonomous and participatory learning. 


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How to Cite
Zambrano-Márquez, C. ., Tenecota-Goya , W. ., Granados-Romero , J. ., & Guzmán-Hernández, R. . (2024). Flipped classroom to develop practical skills in the Programming and Databases subject . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(3), 1057-1068. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2024.3.2436
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Carmen Margarita Zambrano-Márquez , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador


Bachelor of Educational Sciences-Basic Education with a mention in Natural Sciences 

Master in Pedagogy with a mention in technical and professional training at the Bolivarian University of Ecuador. 

Walter Paul Tenecota-Goya , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador


Bachelor of Education Sciences with a mention in marketing and advertising 

Master in Pedagogy with a mention in technical and professional training at the Bolivarian University of Ecuador 

John Fernando Granados-Romero , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador


Doctor of sciences (CEDDES) 

Master in Planning, Evaluation and Accreditation of Higher Education 

Master in computer education 

Ramón Guzmán-Hernández, Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador


Graduate in Education, Specialty Agronomy, MSc in Professional Pedagogy and Doctor in Pedagogical Sciences. He currently works as Vice Chancellor of Professional Training at the “Frank País García” University of Pedagogical Sciences, in Santiago de Cuba. 


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