The Pedagogical Proposal for Inclusion (PPI) at secondary level: Tensions between normative discourse and politically organized education

Main Article Content

Laura Isabel Molina
Cecilia Mariela Casal
Pablo Mario Narvaja


This essay examines the tension between normative pedagogy and politically organized pedagogy, critically questioning the viability of inclusive proposals for students with disabilities in secondary education in the province of Buenos Aires. It focuses on implementation conditions and how organizational dynamics impact inclusive pedagogical proposals, emphasizing the need to overcome both objective and subjective obstacles for more effective, inclusive, and quality education. Through a historical perspective on inclusion proposals, a critical analysis of current regulations, theoretical insights from various authors, and a case study confrontation, it seeks to elucidate the tensions between established regulations and the reality in everyday school life shaped by social relationships, roles, rights, and duties. Inclusion Pedagogical Proposals are tools in which different educational strategies must be established to ensure the real inclusion of students with different abilities. It should enable the organization of a coherent system with the proposed objectives, aiming to support academic paths, establish pedagogical agreements, and eliminate barriers and obstacles that constitute the existing institutional reality. 


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How to Cite
Molina , L. ., Casal , C. ., & Narvaja, P. (2024). The Pedagogical Proposal for Inclusion (PPI) at secondary level: Tensions between normative discourse and politically organized education. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(3), 5-18.
Artículos de revisión
Author Biographies

Laura Isabel Molina , Universidad Nacional de Moreno - Argentina

Laura Molina, biology teacher and current director of Juana Azurduy Secondary School in Moreno, Buenos Aires Province. She is pursuing a bachelor's degree in secondary education at the National University of Moreno. 

Cecilia Mariela Casal , Universidad Nacional de Moreno - Argentina

Cecilia Casal, professor of Geography, graduated from I.S.F.D No. 21. Currently a secondary school teacher and director, which gave her the opportunity to have a new perspective, new interests appear about the different problems that arise daily in schools. With the need and commitment to respond to the needs of the educational field, in 2023 he begins his Bachelor of Secondary Education degree at the National University of Moreno, where he begins his first research work on Educational Inclusion 

Pablo Mario Narvaja , Universidad Nacional de Moreno - Argentina

As experience in academic organizations, the functions of Secretary of Teaching and Postgraduate Studies, and Director of the Institute of Education of the University of Salvador stand out; Dean Director of the Department of Productive and Technological Development, of the National University of Lanús; Director of the Education Science Course, Catholic University of Las Misiones, Director of the Center for Education Studies at the National University of Moreno. Professor of Educational Research Methodology, Educational Theory, Educational Epistemology. Guest Professor of the Faculty of Humanities of the National University of Rosario for the Doctorate in Humanities and the Doctorate in Education, Program for foreign students. 

In the professional field, the functions of Permanent Secretary of the National Council of Education, Labor and Production of the Ministry of Education of the Argentine Republic are indicated; Undersecretary of Quality Evaluation, and Undersecretary of Educational Programming, Ministry of Education of the Argentine Republic. 

At the international level, the role of Consultant of the FOAR Program for the governments of Guatemala and Panama is mentioned; General Coordinator of the Ibero-American Summit Program for Educational Quality (OEI); General Coordinator of the Ibero-American Summit Program for Educational Administration (OEI); Consultant for the NGO CEDALC, Medellín Colombia, on issues of linking education and regional development. 

Director of Current Research Projects: 

-Survey of Innovative School Projects in the Moreno District and Identification of Obstacles overcome or to be overcome in their execution. UNM, Province of Buenos Aires. 

-The school device: curricular guidelines and teaching practice at the secondary level. UCAMI, Posadas, Misiones. 


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Leyes y resoluciones

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