Business development observatory in the Upper Region of Guanacaste, Costa Rica for the determination of factors that promote or limit the opening of commercial businesses, period 2013-2022

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Héctor Andrés Canossa-Montes De Oca
Roberto Rodríguez-Alcócer
Jorge Antonio Avendaño-Mejía
Génesis Murillo-Chaverri
Sussy Virginia Castillo-Villarreal
Lidieth Ortiz-Valle
Maria Fernanda Briceño-Morales


This article aims to design a business development observatory in the Upper Guanacaste Region for the determination of factors influencing the opening of business. Methodologically it is a research of mixed approach, non-experimental, of transversal temporality and based on the analysis of the variables business behavior, profile of companies, environmental factors, development of the region, and the role of the local government in the operation of the companies, were used as data collection techniques the documentary analysis with registered companies in the region patented, the semi-structured interview and the survey; participated in the study eight representatives of local governments and 106 companies distributed in the four cantons of the area (Cañas, Tilarán, Bagaces and Abangares). The main findings include the knowledge of the situation of business development in this region in the period 2013-2022 showing steady growth in the region, being the canton of Cañas that owns the most companies and collection by commercial licences, in addition the canton that has had the fastest growth is Tilarán. Environmental factors that promote business opening such as education, development programmes, attractions and support for entrepreneurship are identified; counterpart factors that can generate business closures include the size of the market, competition and ignorance to formalize the business. Finally, as a strategy for the implementation and continuity of the observatory, the elements of up-to-date and continuous information, the cooperation between local governments with the patent officers and the area related to local economic development are proposed to keep the information up to date, and to do field studies annually for the identification of influential factors in business development to promote concrete actions (implementation of strategies) towards and the region for the continuity and growth of and thus local development.


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How to Cite
Canossa-Montes De Oca, H., Rodríguez-Alcócer , R. ., Avendaño-Mejía , J. ., Murillo-Chaverri , G. ., Castillo-Villarreal , S. ., Ortiz-Valle , L. ., & Briceño-Morales , M. . (2024). Business development observatory in the Upper Region of Guanacaste, Costa Rica for the determination of factors that promote or limit the opening of commercial businesses, period 2013-2022 . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(2), 680-707.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Héctor Andrés Canossa-Montes De Oca, Universidad Técnica Nacional - Costa Rica  

Business administrator, academic and researcher, full-time professor at the Universidad Técnica Nacional, and part-time for Universidad Nacional and Tecnológico de Costa Rica. Graduated in Business Administration from the University of Costa Rica, Master in Business Administration with emphasis on Human Resources, Finance and Marketing from ULACIT; Doctor in Business Sciences from Universidad Fidélitas. 

Roberto Rodríguez-Alcócer , Universidad Técnica Nacional - Costa Rica 

Doctor in Business Science, Master in Professional Administration, Bachelor in Business Administration with emphasis in Public Accounting and Bachelor in Business Administration. Member of the Final Graduation Projects Commission of the Management and Business Administration Career of the National Technical University, Tutor Professor and Reader of Final Graduation Projects of the University of Costa Rica, National University of Costa Rica and National Technical University.

Jorge Antonio Avendaño-Mejía , Universidad Técnica Nacional - Costa Rica

Doctor in Business Sciences,    Master in Business Administration with emphasis in Project Management. 

Graduate in Administration with an emphasis in Finance. 

Incorporated Private Accountant 

Génesis Murillo-Chaverri , Universidad Técnica Nacional - Costa Rica 

Bachelor's degree student in Business Management at the Universidad Técnica Nacional of Costa Rica, with experience in Tax Accounting as well as the management of the accounting system and electronic billing systems in the company Bufete Tributario Cordero y Asociados. 

Sussy Virginia Castillo-Villarreal , Universidad Técnica Nacional - Costa Rica 

Bachelor's degree student in Business Management at the Universidad Técnica Nacional, with experience in opening banking products for physical and company clients in the position of service executive II at Bac Credomatic. 

Lidieth Ortiz-Valle , Universidad Técnica Nacional - Costa Rica 

Bachelor's degree student in Business Management at the National Technical University, with experience in Bilingual customer service for physical customers on Southwest Airlines. 

Maria Fernanda Briceño-Morales , Universidad Técnica Nacional - Costa Rica 

Bachelor's degree student in Business Management and Administration at the Universidad Técnica Nacional.


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