Didactic activities for learning natural sciences for basic general education estudents

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Stefanny Michelle Cedeño-Dueñas
Yita Maribel Briones-Palacios


In the teaching and learning of Natural Sciences, it is essential to motivate oneself to acquire skills that give way to new teaching dynamics, new paradigms, pointing out the importance of this area. In this sense, the objective of the present study was: to design a didactic strategy to improve learning in Natural Sciences in Basic General Education students of the 24 de Julio Educational Unit. It had a quantitative approach. The methods used were the following: empirical, statistical and bibliographic. The techniques were the survey. The population of this institution is 32 teachers and 434 students. The sample was obtained from 4 teachers who teach this subject, 18 students from one course. The results obtained indicated that the basic general education students of this educational unit acquire the learning of this subject through the school text, but they do not carry out any type of experimental practices. It is concluded that the lack of didactic strategies for the teaching and learning of natural sciences is not being applied where environmental practices are included. 


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How to Cite
Cedeño-Dueñas , S. ., & Briones-Palacios , Y. . (2024). Didactic activities for learning natural sciences for basic general education estudents . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 9(2), 609-621. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2024.2.2311
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Author Biographies

Stefanny Michelle Cedeño-Dueñas , Universidad Técnica De Manabí de Portoviejo - Ecuador

Stefanny Michelle Cedeño Dueñas, student graduated from the Technical University of Manabí, in the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Science of Education. In the Basic Education career, her degree work is a Scientific Article, her title is "Didactic activities for learning natural sciences for basic general education students"

Yita Maribel Briones-Palacios , Universidad Técnica de Manabí - Ecuador


Briones Palacios Yita Maribel. Second Education Teacher Specialty In Psychology And Vocational Guidance. Bachelor In Educational Sciences Specialty In Psychology And Vocational Guidance. Magister In Vocational And Professional Educational Guidance. Doctor In Education. Currently Teaching At The Technical Univesity Of Manabí In The Faculty Of Philosophy. Letters And Educational Sciences, In The Following Subjects: 

➢ Axiology 

➢ Communication And Language 

➢ Human Development 

➢ Teacher Professional Development 

➢ Educational Environment 

➢ Educational Neuroscience 

➢ Teacher Professional Development 

➢ Neropsychopedagogy 

Teacher At The Faculty Of 

Utm Postgraduate In The Following Subjects: 

➢ Teaching Identity And Practices 


➢ Inclusive Support, Family, School And 


➢ Psychopedagogical Intervention 

Aimed At The Development Of 

Emotional, Cognitive And 


Currently Alternate Of The University Council Of The Technical University Of Manabí 


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