School management and educational quality

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Joselyn Monserrath Lucero-Tello
Carlos Alfredo Hernández-Dávila
Wilma Lorena Gavilanes-López
Paulina Margarita Ruiz-López


The present study is focused on the documentary and scientific search for the understanding of the main topic, which deals with school management and student learning. Therefore, a thorough literature search has been carried out in repositories, databases and bibliographic websites such as Scopus, Google Scholar, Web of Science, among others. The article clearly proposes a qualitative and descriptive methodology based on the analysis and study of books, articles and web literary material relevant to the topic, allowing the expansion of knowledge regarding the subject, but especially in the educational field in which it is developed. In conclusion, the purpose of this paper focuses on leading to a clearer and more accurate understanding of the problems and shortcomings that affect the education system if there is poor school management where the main affected are the students and their learning.


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How to Cite
Lucero-Tello , J. ., Hernández-Dávila , C. ., Gavilanes-López , W., & Ruiz-López , P. . (2024). School management and educational quality. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(1-1), 123-135.
Artículos de revisión
Author Biographies

Joselyn Monserrath Lucero-Tello , Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Eighth semester student of the career of psychopedagogy and bachelor in unified sciences of the Educational Unit "Rumiñahui" in the city of Ambato - Ecuador, period 2016-2017. I was an intern at the Educational Unit "CEBI" and I carried out the linking project of the Don Bosco Foundation. 

Carlos Alfredo Hernández-Dávila , Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

I am a full time teacher in Basic Education at the Faculty of Human Sciences and Education of the Technical University of Ambato, I have a degree in Education Sciences, mention in Basic Education, I also have a Master's Degree in Didactics of Mathematics in Early Childhood and Primary Education, I have also developed teaching experience in some private institutions. 

Wilma Lorena Gavilanes-López , Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Associate Lecturer1 at the Technical University of Ambato, Faculty of Human Sciences and Education, Master's Degree in Information Technology and Educational Multimedia and also Master's Degree in Management of Educational and Social Projects.  

Occasional lecturer in Master's programmes at the Technical University of Ambato and the Pontifical Catholic University of Ambato. 

Paulina Margarita Ruiz-López , Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Educational Psychologist and Vocational Counsellor, Master's Degree in Curricular Design and Educational Evaluation from the Technical University of Ambato, research lecturer at the Technical University of Ambato, full-time lecturer in Psychopedagogy, Postgraduate Lecturer at the Technical University of Ambato, Postgraduate Lecturer at the Technological University of Indoamerica, Coordinator of the Educational Psychology degree courses, Industrial Psychology and Teaching in Computer Science, Industrial Psychology and Teaching in Computer Science, Lecturer in the UTA Semipresential Basic Education Career, Lecturer in the Psychopedagogy Career, Coordinator of Linking Projects, Director of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Theses, Coordinator of the Counselling Department of the CEBI, Santo Domingo de Guzmán and Pedro Fermín Cevallos Educational Units. 


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