Contributions of Local Governance in the Design of Public Policies with a Vision of Sustainable Development Focused on Priority Groups

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Jonathan Alberto Villacreses-Palma
Marisol Isabel Bermeo-Valencia


The general objective of the research is to contextualize the contributions of local governance in the design of public policies with a vision of sustainable development oriented to priority groups; this objective is accompanied by specific objectives: 1.- To identify the theoretical proposals that support local governance from a sustainable development perspective, and 2.- To reveal the perception of social actors on public policies oriented to priority groups. The unit of study was the Human Development Directorate of the Decentralized Autonomous Government (GAD) of the Province of Manabí. The methodology is of qualitative perspective, of documentary review strategy, in which the inductive method is present when the findings are revealed, the design is of descriptive order, with a method of interpretation based on hermeneutics. The categorization is based on the phases proposed by Martínez (2010) at the time of analyzing the answers obtained in the interviews conducted with key informants, the interview analysis strategy has been the one proposed by the Grounded Theory, from the perspective of Strauss and Corbin (1990). The process has generated a central category, called: Local sustainable development agenda from the perspective of a governance of priority groups, which can be used as a good managerial praxis of the study unit analyzed in this work. 


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How to Cite
Villacreses-Palma, J. ., & Bermeo-Valencia , M. (2024). Contributions of Local Governance in the Design of Public Policies with a Vision of Sustainable Development Focused on Priority Groups . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(1), 497-512.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Jonathan Alberto Villacreses-Palma, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador

Civil Engineer. He has held positions in the field of public and private construction in the managerial and constructive part for 4 years. At present, analyst of execution and monitoring of project in the Public Company Manabí Produce-EP, with 2 years of experience.

Marisol Isabel Bermeo-Valencia , Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador

Master of Business Administration, Braniff School of Business, University of Dallas, Irving, Texas, U.S., Commercial Engineer with mention in Administration, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, she is currently pursuing a Doctorate in Education (PhD) Universidad Nacional del Rosario, Argentina. She has published indexed articles and has authored and co-authored books. She has more than 20 years of experience oriented to the development of social impact projects, occupying executive positions, leading institutional audit processes in public institutions, private, national and international organizations. She has taught in several Chairs: Leadership and Negotiation, Strategic Planning, Process Management, Organizational Design and Change, Public Ethics and Transparency, among others.


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