Development of critical thinking in the execution of interdisciplinary projects based on information and communication technologies

Main Article Content

Rosa Marisol Saldarriaga-Cantos
Alfredo Javier Carvajal-Rivadeneira
Yita Maribel Briones-Palacios


The most significant challenge in the educational field is to foster the development of critical thinking in students, involving communicative, digital, mathematical, and affective competences, requiring curricular integration and methods such as teamwork, effective communication, and self-learning. The objective of this study was to propose a methodological strategy based on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to develop critical thinking in the execution of interdisciplinary projects in tenth grade students of the Picoazá Educational Unit. The approach of the study was mixed, involving students, teachers, directors, and the Student Counseling Department (DECE). Information was collected through an observation guide applied in the classroom, another instrument used was the rubric, which was used to measure sub competencies, and finally, surveys were applied to parents and interviews with teachers. The results indicate an insignificant development of critical thinking through ICT and interdisciplinary projects. Feedback from teachers is vital to adjust future projects and move towards a more innovative, inclusive education focused on the integral development of students. In conclusion, the study underscores the importance of addressing critical thinking through effective methodological approaches, recognizing the need for continuous improvement to achieve more significant results in educational training.  


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How to Cite
Saldarriaga-Cantos , R. ., Carvajal-Rivadeneira , A., & Briones-Palacios , Y. . (2024). Development of critical thinking in the execution of interdisciplinary projects based on information and communication technologies. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 9(1), 734-745.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Rosa Marisol Saldarriaga-Cantos , Ministerio de Educación y cultura de Ecuador/Unidad Educativa Picoazá - Ecuador

Rosa Marisol Saldarriaga Cantos Secondary school teacher. She graduated from the Technical University of Manabí with a degree in higher education specializing in History and Geography. Her commitment to education and her passion for teaching led her to create and found the Edén del Valle Private School where she was principal for ten years. She worked in the community in the Protection Program for Children and Adolescents (I.N.N. F.A.). Rector of the IRFEYAL Fiscomisional Educational Unit, ext. Lodana. Pedagogical advisor in the international project ENFERMERAS PARA EL MUNDO (NURSES FOR THE WORLD). She is currently working as a History teacher in the Picoazá Educational Unit (Ministry of Education of Ecuador). In her search for educational excellence, she studied at the fourth level at the Technical University of Manabí and obtained a Master's Degree in Education with a specialization in ICT-mediated Learning Management. COHORTE 1. 

Alfredo Javier Carvajal-Rivadeneira , Universidad Técnica de Manabí - Ecuador

Agricultural Engineer with master's degrees in General Pedagogy and Agricultural Mechanization. Research professor at the Technical University of Manabí where he has worked in the Faculties of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters and Agricultural Engineering. He currently serves as Coordinator of the Department of Agricultural Sciences. Professor of the Master's Degree in Agricultural Mechanization at the UTM. 

Director of several undergraduate and graduate degree works and two books and several book chapters and scientific articles. 

Yita Maribel Briones-Palacios , Universidad Técnica de Manabí - Ecuador

Briones Palacios Yita Maribel. Second Education Teacher Specialty In Psychology And Vocational Guidance. Bachelor In Educational Sciences Specialty In Psychology And Vocational Guidance. Magister In Vocational And Professional Educational Guidance. Doctor In Education. Currently Teaching At The Technical Univesity Of Manabí In The Faculty Of Philosophy. Letters And Educational Sciences, In The Following Subjects: 

➢ Axiology 

➢ Communication And Language 

➢ Human Development 

➢ Teacher Professional Development 

➢ Educational Environment 

➢ Educational Neuroscience 

➢ Teacher Professional Development 

➢ Neropsychopedagogy 

Teacher At The Faculty Of 

Utm Postgraduate In The Following Subjects: 

➢ Teaching Identity And Practices 


➢ Inclusive Support, Family, School And 


➢ Psychopedagogical Intervention 

Aimed At The Development Of 

Emotional, Cognitive And 


Currently Alternate Of The University Council Of The Technical University Of Manabí 


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