Inclusive Education and its Influence on the Socio-Emotional Development of Children with SEN

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María Narcisa Bustamante-Jumbo
Roxana Natalí Albán-Cruz
Juan Pablo Alvarez-Chamba
José Gregorio Albán-Cruz


Currently children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) are a group of students who require tools to be able to integrate, adapt and develop properly in the educational environment, the present work aims to determine the influence of inclusive education in the socio-emotional development of children with SEN associated with intellectual disability in regular education schools. The methodology applied is of a qualitative approach, by the inductive-deductive method, where data from an interview with seven teachers who work with children with SEN in a Empalme school were analyzed. Among the main findings, it was obtained that educational inclusion allows fostering respect for diversity and helps increase the empathy of students towards their peers who present SEN; The main elements that help is the application of inclusive educational strategies and plans, the development of skills and abilities to generate knowledge, presentation of didactic classes and encourage compliance with human values ​​in the institution. It was concluded that inclusive education positively influences the socio-emotional development of children with SEN, since it seeks to provide relevant strategies and planning that meet the needs of all students in order to offer quality education to all students who They are vulnerable because of their status.


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How to Cite
Bustamante-Jumbo, M. ., Albán-Cruz , R. ., Alvarez-Chamba , J., & Albán-Cruz , J. . (2023). Inclusive Education and its Influence on the Socio-Emotional Development of Children with SEN. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(6), 214-224.
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Author Biographies

María Narcisa Bustamante-Jumbo, Unidad Educativa Fiscomisional PCEI “Hno. Ángel Pastrana Corral” - Ecuador

A teacher by profession with a bachelor's degree in Education Sciences, mention in Basic Education obtained in 2019, this year I obtained a master's degree in Basic Education, which has allowed me to reaffirm the knowledge and skills within the field of education and investigation. 

Roxana Natalí Albán-Cruz , Distrito 09D15 del cantón El Empalme provincia del Guayas - Ecuador

Born on September 1, 1985. I am a teacher by profession with a bachelor's degree in Education Sciences, special education mention, obtained in 2014. This year I acquired a Master's degree in Basic Education. 

My work experience has been carried out as a teacher since 2008 in specialized and regular education institutions. 

Juan Pablo Alvarez-Chamba , Unidad Educativa Fiscomisional PCEI “Hno. Ángel Pastrana Corral” - Ecuador

Atty. In Education Sciences with a Physics - Mathematics mention obtained at the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, I provide my teaching services at the Fiscomisional Educational Unit PCEI Hno. Angel Pastrana Corral, from 2010 to date, in the same one that I teach the subjects of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, in addition to this since 2014 I have been fulfilling the role of Sub Inspector in the institution. 

Likewise, since 2021 I have been providing my professional services at the Puyango Driver Training School, where I have held the positions of Pedagogical Director and Inspector. 

José Gregorio Albán-Cruz , Unidad Educativa Pichincha - Ecuador

Born in the canton of El Empalme on February 1, 1990, Bachelor of Physics and Mathematics from the El Empalme Educational Unit. In 2016 I obtained the degree of Chemical Engineer from the Technical University of Manabí, in 2020 I obtained the degree of Master's Degree in Didactics of Mathematics in Secondary Education and Baccalaureate from the International University of La Rioja. 

Part of the prosecutor since 2018, I currently work as a Chemistry and Mathematics teacher at the Pichincha Educational Unit in the canton of the same name belonging to the province of Manabí, there I had the opportunity to serve as vice-rector in the 2022-2023 school period. 


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